Chapter 4

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As Anika waited for Ranveer to come and help her fix Champa, she looked down at her hands and realised something...

Anika: oh no....I took that arrogant man's sunglasses off and I didn't give them back to him. Hey bhagwan! Should I keep these? Nahi, no one will believe that I, Anika Kumari Sharma, can afford these sunglasses and anyone can easily tell that these are not rip off.....hey bhagwan! Anika, you've put yourself in such a sticky situation. Should I give these back to that arrogant man? But I won't ever see that man again...I don't know his name and....

Anika remembered that the man mentioned going to a hotel.

Anika: he's going to a hotel but...which hotel? Why couldn't he mention which hotel he made a reservation at? Anika, in case he send police after you for kind of nicking his sunglasses, you should destroy them, stamp on them, break them, destroy any evidence and live your life as it is....hey bhagwan.

She smacked her forehead, groaning.

Anika: am I that hungry that I am thinking like Gauri?

Voice: having fun with your conflicted thoughts?

Anika turned to her left to see Ranveer riding his motorcycle. He stopped his bike and got off, going up to Anika.

Ranveer: Ani, where did you get these sunglasses from?

Anika: yaar Ranveer, long story short I took a man's sunglasses off his face during an argument to show him clearly that I was fixing Champa and then....he drove off and I forgot that I have his sunglasses! Ranveer, promise that you won't arrest me. I was going to give them back to him but I forgot that they were even in my hand.

Ranveer: Ani, calm down. You are talking so quickly, I am going to faint in a minute. Here, give me these sunglasses. I'll keep them safely in the station. Wow, original Bulgari Flora, that guy must have been rich. Trust me, he won't even miss these.

Ranveer kept the sunglasses in his pocket and then said: now I'll fix your pyaara sa Champa.

Anika: thank you my darling baby brother.

Ranveer: I'm younger by one year.

Anika: doesn't change the fact that you're my baby brother.

Ranveer rolled his eyes as he went up to Anika's Champa so that he could fix it. As Ranveer was sorting out Champa, he looked up at his older sister who was busy on her phone and said: who are you texting?

Anika: my boss to let him know that I am going to be a little late because there's a queue at the restaurant.

Ranveer: what a big lie! I thought you were a good girl who never told a lie in her life.

Anika: go to hell and hurry up! I'm hungry and I need to get my boss food else he will kill me!

Ranveer: I think you should get a new scooter. Champa is getting old.

Anika: why would I give up Champa? I brought mera pyaara Champa with my second salary, he has been with us for 4 years, so Champa stays! Now fix him before I kill you!

Ranveer: I know you're just acting like Gauri because you're hungry.

Anika rolled her eyes. He was right. She only ever acted like how Gauri would when she was hungry or she was having a very exhausting day. Right now Anika was having an exhausting day and she was hungry.


The market bloomed upon the street as if flowers sprung from the concrete. The market was packed, and street vendors made the street exceedingly narrow, forcing people to walk in a straight line, like soldiers when they were practicing their march. On either side of the street, shops of various kinds stood obediently.

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