Chapter 15

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It had been an hour or so since the Oberois had visited the Sharmas and since then, Dadi has been talking non-stop with Manju and Akash + Badi Dadi about the Oberois.


Ranveer lit up a cigarette and took one puff from it on the terrace. Vishal, Sahil and Gauri all looked at him in disbelief.

Vishal: Ranveer bhaiya, put that cigarette away.

Gauri: since when did you start smoking?

Ranveer: since I started working with the police.

Gauri: and after ten thousand years of working as a police officer, you decide to start smoking at home? If Dadi finds out then?

Ranveer: pray for me, and by the way stop making me look that old.

Gauri: if you keep smoking, the age I assume you to be will be what you look like.

Ranveer rolled his eyes as he stubbed the cigarette and threw it off the terrace. Not an ideal way to get rid of a cigarette but he had no choice unless he wanted Dadi to find the cigarette - after all she inspected the terrace every night before going to bed.

Sahil: where is Anika didi by the way?

Gauri: probably talking on the phone with her fiance. 'Oh hello Shivay baby, how are you? Me? Oh I am perfectly fine except my breathing is going haywire without you being in the same room as room. Oh Shivay baby, you are so funny'.

Ranveer rolled his eyes as he said: world class comedian. She's talking with the elders.

Gauri: and slowly and slowly she is becoming a boring old person. First it's talking to the elders over hanging out with us then it's marriage then she will have her in-laws to talk about boring things with instead of talking to us then she will have smart little stuck-up Oberoi babies. I don't even want to think about Didi having kids.

Vishal: smart little stuck-up Oberoi babies? What?

Gauri: haan, basically it took us ages to convince Bhavya a.k.a a 13 year old to play snakes and ladders instead of chess? Who plays chess at that age? I am 20 and I don't even play chess.

Ranveer: you wouldn't even know where to begin when playing the game.

Gauri rolled her eyes whilst Sahil decided to speak up: whenever Omkara and Bhavya spoke to each other, they just spoke about science and maths and smart people things.

Gauri: not to mention the whole family looked and acted stuck up. I am telling you if Didi ever has kids, they are going to act like Albert Einstein straight from the womb itself.

Ranveer: I officially have no idea what this conversation is about nor do I care anymore about this conversation. I am lighting another cigarette.

He grabbed the box from his trouser's pockets and was about to grab one cigarette from the box when Gauri grabbed the box and threw it off the terrace.

Ranveer: hey! Those weren't cheap!

Gauri: your future wife will thank me when her husband isn't coughing up his lungs.

Ranveer rolled his eyes and Anika finally came upstairs.

Gauri: look, the future Oberoi bahu is here!

Anika: stop being so negative Gauri.

Gauri: I refuse not to be negative.

Sahil: by the way, why were you with the elders?

Anika: just talking about tomorrow. The Oberois are coming tomorrow for karvachauth.

Gauri: how lovely!

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