Chapter 8

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The moment Gauri came home, she quickly ran upstairs and then she found the stairs to the terrace. She ran up the stairs and saw Anika. Ranveer had followed her upstairs and whispered: I'll go and stay with Vishal and Sahil. You can go talk to Anika.

Gauri nodded before Ranveer went downstairs. Once he left, she went up to Anika and said: didi, I'm really sorry for my actions today.

Anika: Gauri, you're wet...did you go swimming again? Oh my god, Gauri, change out of those clothes before you catch a cold.....

Gauri interrupting: ek minute! I'm not even done yet.

Anika: sorry baba, continue.

Gauri took a deep breath and continued her speech that she had probably rehearsed on her way from the River Ganga to her house.

Gauri: look, I know that what I did today was unacceptable and I shouldn't have pretended to be you and jeopardised a potential rishta.

Anika would be lying if she said that she wasn't surprised Gauri knew that jeopardised was a word.

Gauri: you deserve to be happy didi with someone you love a lot. Now ideally I would prefer it if you fell in love with someone who lives in Rishikesh like Dr Sid because then I don't have to take a gazillion trains just to meet my big sister. But if you like that Shivay Singh Oberoi person who lives in Mumbai, I guess as long as you're happy, I'm happy to spend a lot of money on a train ticket every day or week if I have to but trust me, I don't think he is a nice person but if you want to marry him, you do that. It's your life at the end of the day.

Anika: you've never given an apology speech before have you?

Gauri: not really but I am really really really sorry and I will not intervene with any potential rishtas again!

Anika smiled and hugged her little sister.

Anika: you are really really cold.

Gauri rolled her eyes, chuckling. As they were hugging, Anika decided to apologise for earlier as well.

Anika: I am really sorry for what I said earlier. I was really angry but I shouldn't have directed my anger towards you. I love you so much meri jaan and I never want to be the reason behind your tears. I love you Riri. I love you so much and I promise I will never yell at you again.

Gauri: this isn't your first apology speech is it?

Anika: I mean...I am always having to say sorry for your mistakes to everyone so yes I am used to saying sorry.

Gauri chuckled and they broke the hug. Anika cupped Gauri's face and said: please get changed, take some medicine and I'll make you something to eat.

Gauri: have you eaten?

Anika: I'll eat with you Gauri. Come on.

Gauri went downstairs with Anika to the living room where Sahil looked at Gauri, scared.

Gauri with a smile: what happened Sahil? Am I some witch that you are so scared?

Sahil: voh Gauri didi...mum left paneer for you and I accidentally ate all of you.

Gauri's smile turned upside down as she looked at Sahil and rolled her eyes.

Gauri: why do you always have to destroy my happiness? are dead!

Sahil: arre Gauri didi!

He said as Gauri ruffled his hair and tickled him, Sahil tried to run away from Gauri's grip but surprisingly her grip was very strong. Anika, Ranveer and Vishal tried to save Sahil until they heard their Badi Dadi speak from her room.

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