Chapter 5

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Before we begin, the long-haired man is Om and the short-haired man is Shivay, however, Om will be up to something to confuse the girls. This is just to let you know right now.

Gauri was about to go up on the terrace when Anika dragged her and said: let's go say hello to the elders first.

Gauri: why do you act so sanskaari?

Anika didn't say anything. All she did was roll her eyes and force a smile on her face before walking downstairs where the elders were. Her Badi Dadi, Dadi, Chachi, Chachu were all with two women that they have never seen before.

Gauri whispered to her sister: are these the rich man's relatives? Their clothes look really expensive.

Anika rolled her eyes at her sister, before presenting herself to the elders. Her lips formed a smile as she folded her hands together, and said in her polite voice: namaste.

The two women smiled at her, before returning the greeting. One woman, dressed in a blue salwar and had her hair all straight, asked Dadi: is this Anika?

Dadi nodded with a smile, and that woman looked at Anika.

Woman: namaste Anika. I'm the groom's bua, Roop. This is his mother, Jhanvi.

Jhanvi smiled at Anika, before saying: she is really pretty just like her photo.

Anika: would you like me to get anything for you? Any drinks or snacks?

Jhanvi: she's also polite.

Roop: no, we're fine thank you.

Dadi: umm Anika puttar, Gauri, your brothers, the groom and his brother are on the terrace. Go meet them.

Anika and Gauri nodded, before making their way to the terrace. As they walked up the stairs that would lead them to the terrace, Anika decided to voice out a thought that had been bugging her.

Anika: I don't know how I am going to meet Sid at Lakshmi Jhula.

Gauri: what time did he say he wanted to meet you at?

She knew the time. After all she was the one who wrote the letters.

Anika: four o'clock or quarter to four...he said on the letter that he was going to wait for me, no matter how long I took.

Gauri: okay, I can make up some random plan then.

Anika: Gauri, please make sure that whatever plan you come up with isn't stupid or illegal.

Gauri: relax didi...when have I ever gotten into any trouble with the law?

Anika rolled her eyes as they reached the terrace. The two men were talking to Vishal and Sahil, along with Ranveer who gave them chai and snacks. Anika noticed one of the men next to the long-hair man and immediately started walking downstairs.

Gauri: where are you going? Are you going to meet Dr Sid?

Anika: you see that man who is sitting next to the guy with long hair?

Gauri took a quick sneak peak at the two men, and then nodded at her sister.

Anika: I got into a little bit of an argument with the short-haired man.

Gauri: kya?

Anika nodded.

Gauri: wow didi, you had an argument with someone? And here I was thinking that yaar Anika Kumari Sharma is a bit too sanskaari, like no one can be that sanskaari. Not even Anika Kumari Sharma. She has to have a little bit of the devil in her.

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