Chapter 13

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Today was the day that the Oberois were coming to stay with the Sharmas for two weeks - well not technically stay but to celebrate Karvachauth, Diwali, the Chunni ceremony and the Tilak ceremony all in two weeks.

Dadi had the whole family wake up early to do any last minute preparation needed before Shivay and Om came bringing their family to the house.

Dadi: okay so we have two hours before the Oberois come. Gauri and Anika, go get the sweets. Ranveer, go to Akash's store and grab the cold drinks. Akash and Manju, you both check if the decorations are all set. Sahil and Vishal, double check that the house is clean.

The family dispersed, each member assigned their specific tasks. Gauri and Anika headed to Champa and Gauri decided to make her first comment of the day.

Gauri: has your rich husband seen Champa yet?

Anika: he has yes and he even rode on Champa.

Gauri: really? Was it up to his standards because you know he is more used to the luxuries of having a car? Have you ever been in a car didi? I haven't, you know.

Anika: no I haven't been in a car, ever, and I think Shivay's standards were met via Champa and Gauri?

Gauri: yes?

She said as Anika started up Champa and started to drive.

Anika: stop being mean to Shivay and the Oberois. I know you are just saying things to me but please, please please, in the next two weeks, don't say anything bad that someone can overhear and let the Oberois know. Please.

Gauri: fine.

Anika: and please accept Shivay already.

Gauri: I can't do that so quickly. He hasn't proven to me that he is deserving of you.

Anika sighed, not replying as she did not wish to continue the conversation. They reached the sweetshop and went in.

Gauri: yay Rishi is on the till again!

Rishi looked up from his last customer and sighed. His headache was back in the form of Gauri.

Rishi: hi Gauri. Namaste Anika.

Anika: namaste Rishi, long time no see. How have you been?

Rishi: other than your sister causing my headache, I have been fine thank you. You?

Anika: I am also fine thank you.

Rishi: good to hear. By the way Gauri, did those fake love letters for the friends work?

Gauri shot Rishi a look for mentioning it since as far as she was concerned, Anika thought it was Gauri's stupid idea.

Anika: oh, so you gave Gauri the idea of the fake love letters?

Rishi: more like she forced me into giving a good idea.

Gauri shot another look at Rishi and Anika sighed.

Anika: today I can't handle any headaches so I am going to spare giving lectures. Okay Rishi, we need two of your popular and best sweet boxes.

Rishi: of course, coming up!

As Rishi found and packed the sweets, Gauri couldn't resist making another comment.

Gauri: by the way, Rishi, I hope these sweets meet the Oberois' high standards. We wouldn't want them to feel like they're slumming it here in Rishikesh, would we?

Anika shot Gauri a disapproving look, and Rishi responded with a polite smile.

Rishi: I'm sure the Oberois will enjoy the sweets. Is there anything else you need?

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