Chapter 10

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Her boss's voice interrupted Anika's focused attention on the blouse she was working on. She looked up, her fingers still holding the needle and thread.

Anika: yes Hemant sir?

Hemant: I need you to get some threads from the craft stand, you know the threads used for sewing. I am running out of the Nylon thread and the metallic thread. I'd get it myself but you know I can't since our fabric delivery is coming anytime soon.

Anika: of course Hemant sir. I'll go now and get them.

Hemant smiled appreciatively and reached into his pocket, pulling out a cash note. He handed it to Anika.

Hemant: here, use this to pay for the threads.

Anika took the cash note, tucking it safely into her little purse.

Anika: got it, Hemant sir. I'll be back soon.

Anika finished securing the blouse's thread before carefully setting it aside. She made sure everything was organised before heading out of the tailor shop.

The craft stand was just a short walk away, located in a bustling market area. Anika weaved her way through the crowd before she reached the stand. Upon reaching the craft stand, Anika quickly located the threads Hemant had requested. She sorted through the various spools, selecting the Nylon thread and the metallic thread he needed. She placed the threads in a small basket and took the cash out of her purse.

Anika: here you go.

Craft stand man: madam, I haven't got any change with me today.

Anika: arre bhaiya, keep some spare change with you at times.

Craft stand man: this is the first time this has happened today madam, everyone insists on paying with only money notes.

Anika: one thing then, I'll go to that cafe over there and ask them to convert this note into change.

Craft stand man: okay madam.

Anika walked from the stand to the small little cafe, smiling at the man at the counter, reaching up to him and asked if he was able to convert the note into change. The man nodded and did as such. He counted the change before giving it to Anika.

Anika: thank you.

Anika collected the money, turned to leave and as she was counting the money herself, she heard a voice that made her stop in her steps.


Anika turned to her left to see Dr Sid at a table - his only companion being a half-full cup of coffee. The two looked at each other before Dr Sid stood up, not breaking eye contact with Anika. Anika also did not break eye contact till she looked down and then up, then down again. Sid wanted to say something but for some reason, he couldn't get a word out. Anika didn't say anything to start a conversation. All she did was look at him one more time, then walked out of the cafe so that she could avoid an awkward situation and pay for the threads.


Meanwhile, Gauri was at home massaging Badi Dadi's back unwillingly on the couch. Annoyance was clear on her face.

Gauri: who told you to bend down to grab the remote? Now look, you hurt your back again and I am stuck massaging it.

Badi Dadi only rolled her eyes as Gauri continued to massage her back.

Gauri: look Badi Dadi, let me tell you this, there is still time before you pass. You can give me your golden bangles...

Badi Dadi interrupting: chup kar chudail. You only ever think of my death and my golden bangles. I will not die nor will I ever give you my golden bangles. I will go to Shimla to explore. Did you know what your Badi Dadu used to do?

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