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Inos pov

"sai honey I need some advice" I said as soon as I walked through the door. My boyfriend was always so good at problem solving. I knew he'd be able to help me out.

"what is it beautiful?" he asked with his usual smile. Ahh the way he calls me beautiful makes my heart soar!

"it's about my friend shikamaru" I muttered "I believe he's doing something bad but I don't feel brave enough to confront him. What should I do?"

He thought for a moment and then patted the spot next to him "take a seat love"

I nodded and sat next to him. He wrapped an arm around me.

"you and shikamaru are close yes?"

"of course we are!" I yelled "I've known him since we were kids!"

"then you shouldn't be afraid to confront him when he's done something wrong. You should feel confident in what you say and you should feel like he'll respect and take what you say seriously. Do you feel that way?"

"definitely" I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck "thanks sai. You always have the best advice"

"no problem beautiful" he said kissing my cheek.

Thanks to my lovely boyfriend I knew exactly what to do. Tomorrow I'm going to confront shikamaru.

a little sweet (shikaneji) (book 1) Where stories live. Discover now