A Painful Memory

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Tw: rape, pedophilea, domestic abuse

Shikamarus pov (aged eight)

I sat on my white sheets bed in my nightgown while a man I didn't recognise was looking me up and down hungrily.

"may what a nice little boy you are. You'll be worth every penny sweetheart" he approached me. I backed up nervously "shhh baby it's alright" he stroked my cheek "I love you. You can trust me to take care of you" I didn't trust him at all but I had no choice. Mommy would be angry if I said no. I don't like mommy when she's angry.

Our session began and I felt things no child my age should ever feel. I didn't want to go through this but I had no choice. Mommy said it was my fault that daddy left and that I had to help pay for the apartment too.

I hated what the men who visit do to me but no one stepping in to stop it. I'm all alone. Just like I've always been.

The man finally got off me and whispered one last thing before he left.

"I love you"

Present day

"no! You don't love me. Your just a monster. A Monster!" I sobbed under the blankets while no one came to rescue me from myself.

I'm alone just like always.

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