Sad Day

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Hello there fabulous readers!!!

So, I am sorry to say that, like all other good things, this book of poems is coming to an end. It was a good run, with over thirty poems in it, and hopefully you all enjoyed reading them. I put a lot of work in these poems, so it honestly makes me a little sad to end them, but I have to. I am going to try my hand at something new, something that no one knows about. I know, I know, I keep too many secrets. I just feel like some secrets are worth keeping, because with out them, there is no mystery, no excitement. That is why I will not be writing any more poems, well that and the fact that I don't have much time with everything else I am trying to do. 

It was a good run, and I just want to say thank you to all of you fabulous readers who have seen the pain, happiness, and all other emotions, that I have let pour into these words. You are the only reason I even did this, to let you all see my words. I have been told a few times I am good at writing poems, I just thought they were lying. Any-who, thank you so much for reading all my poems, and I am sorry to say that it is done.

I just want to give a quick thanks to all of my amazing friends. Dani, for her funny-ness, able to make me laugh at any time, almost. Danielle, for being there for me. And Hunter. or as we call you, Twiggy, for being by my side through the worst parts. Without all of you, I don't know where I'd be today. So, thank you, for everything.

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