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Today was a different day

Today I felt OK

I had fun for a change

The feeling I got is hard to explain

I feel like my heart might just burst

With unicorns and rainbows, I'm such a girl

I can't believe I can feel this way

Just because of one day

I hope it doesn't go away

I don't want to pretend after today

I am tired of being scared all the time

I'm tired of sadness filling my rhymes

I want to be who I once was

The girl that was a lucky one

I don't know what happened to that girl

Aside from her being forced into the real world

I think our world put her in pieces

I found old pictures, they had fold creases

They were of the girl I was

Before I needed the caffeine buzz

Because I can't sleep at night

Nightmares make me full of fright

I want to be that girl again

The one that was an amazing friend

The one that hadn't grown up yet

The one that kept a butterfly as a pet

The one that could right poems of the sun

The one that knew how to truly have fun

I caught a glimpse of her today

It was the first time I wasn't afraid

In far too long for me to know

How to not put on a show

So I instead hid my feelings

Even though they were appealing

The smile on my face disappeared

I had truly volunteered

To come along, possibly have fun

Because I truly missed the sun

But I ended up wanting to hide

From the happiness I felt inside

I want to have that feeling back

Of flight in the air, no heart attack

I missed the dad I had out there

When we got home, his anger flared

I think he left his happiness behind

He is tired, and I hide

He is now a grump again

The dog's passed out on my bed

I haven't eaten, but I don't want to

The number of meals I've had are few

I slipped up a couple of times

Because I wanted happy rhymes

But I realize that I can't do that

I need to start a new habit

I know who I want to be

I need to move passed this version of me

I say goodnight, because I'm dry

I guess, for a while, this is goodbye

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