I Shut Them Out

20 1 0

The door is locked
My moms inside
She won't let him in
She's in there to hide
He's getting mad
And taking it out on me
His sugar is high
And he's really angry
I'm hiding in my room
Trying to comforting the dog
I can hear them fighting
And I'm laying here like a log
I just lay here in my room
Completely unable to cry
As I feel my heart break
All I can think is why
Why do they have to fight all the time
Why am I so afraid
Why can't my life just be normal again

Why did it have to change
I've got more cuts
They'll probably scar

But I just don't care
My family broke my heart

I shut them out

To avoid more pain
It isn't working

I don't know how to explain

I shut all the noise

Right out of my life

I miss the days

When I had tears to wipe
Now I just look
Up at the ceiling

While my heart breaks

Unable to start healing

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