Sing Along

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Trees blowing in the wind

This is my last packed bin

I'm sorry I have to leave so soon

I'm sorry I can't stay with you

I'm sorry the scars won't stop forming

I'm sorry the pop won't stop foaming

I can't explain why they don't stop

Maybe because my control's been popped

I don't wish for anyone to know what's true

I'm not ready to say I Love You

I listen to my music, trying to clear my head

I sit hear writing these words, typing on my bed

I know you wanted me to come to you

I know you wanted nothing but the truth

But the truth is so hard for me to tell

I do it so that I don't have to yell

Because I know that my feelings are hard to contain

I know you will want me to explain

I just don't know if I can find myself enough to say it all

How do I know I am not gonna just fall

Right off the edge of that final cliff

And take that one last final hit

I know I shouldn't be in such a dark place

Because I truly smile when I see your face

But, the thing is, happiness has never known how to find me

I've been so far off the rails, it's hard to be happy

Then you add the drama at home

My parents might just leave me completely alone

I am sorry I didn't tell you quicker

I wanted that light to do more than flicker

Maybe I wanted to hide just a little bit longer

And go through my thoughts, have time to ponder

But looks like my time is up, I guess I have to leave

And now I guess I'll never know how to feel reprieved

I know I won't be far away

I know that I will have technically stayed

But, what if what I need is to leave

To go far away, to have time to grieve

I didn't get time to really move on

Passed the bullies in my sad life's song

And though it has been a year since the start

They still remain there, ripping my heart

Making it hard for me to feel strong

That is why I don't sing along

He says that I am bad at life

I head says I will never be a wife

These words I hear, in my mind and in the real world

Are why the world really swivels and swirls

I know I shouldn't let simple words get to me

I know that I need the chance to break free

I want to get that chance, and finally move on

I really do want to finally sing along

The blood now runs freely down my arm

All I wanted was that warmth

To feel like my family cares

My life is not a part of theirs

I guess I could just move on

Create my own lonely song

If only I could just write one

And not worry about seeing the sun

Feeling the fake warmth, and seeing the light

I shade my eyes because it's so bright

I know I should have probably told you

About the lies, and all of the truth

If you still want to know, well do you

I was too scared I would disappoint you

But what's done is done, I can't change the past

I just hope that song will last

Long enough for me to find

Those words needed to no longer hide

Because I want to sing along

I want to sing that happy song

This poem was written a few months ago, I just found it. So, yeah.

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