Nightmare on Tall Tree

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There was a day

I don't remember exactly when

Things at my house got crazy

Similarities run between now and then

It got pretty bad

The police showed up

They took him away for a day

And my brother ran away

I went to a friends

I guess that rule bends

I missed school the next day

Terror kept me from being ok

I still dream about it

That anger filled fit

My mom crying on the floor

The police pounding n the door

She had been the one to call them

He wouldn't even listen to them

He refused to show them his hands

That was about the time I ran

Target was just down the street

My bare feet hurt on the concrete

I called my aunt on the way

Hoping she would take me away

She is the one who called my mom

She knew that I was far from calm

It all happened so very fast

I didn't know how long it would last

I was so scared, and felt so alone

I wasn't safe in my own home

I remember him saying how sorry he was

And how he was gonna leave because

Of reasons I've forced out of my head

I spent the next day in bed

That is the start of my horrifying nightmare

But it doesn't simply stop there

It goes on, but I don't have time

To give the rest on this rhyme

Next will be my part two

There is a lot that I have been through

So much more than you would think

So many reasons I hide behind all the pink

The plastered on smiles, the make-up, the looks

Are all to cover up Scars from the hooks

The painful pieces of my past

The ones I hope don't last

Too much longer, they still go on

Though they aren't good enough to be put into song

I still will always have my words

And I will always be that same nerd

The one you saw in the beginning last year

The one you thought had nothing to fear

I had more going on than you probably thought

Like the fact that my parents always fought

And now I guess this is getting really long

I'll just stop rambling along.

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