25 ◈ Act Natural

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Hyunjin leaned against the thick brick walls of the east building's exterior, hands idly fiddling with the cufflinks of his uniform blazer as he waited patiently. His tongue poked at the back of his fangs. Under the thick eyelashes concealing his gaze, he glared at the unaware students passing by in the extended block of the much needed free time emancipating them from lectures. Not glared, but observed; Watching the patterns of their shoes melting around one another as easily as tethering raindrops pelting down on a cold winter day; Noting the movements of their coordinated thoughts, almost as synchronized as a hive mind machine grinding it's gears to work. A pen in one hand. A slip of lined paper in the other, big enough to balance on the back of his hand and write. He calculated. Very carefully, he watched.

His pen met the lined paper, and he scribbled.

Almost as soon as he tipped off a looping letter, Hyunjin spotted a mop of hair bouncing among the students. An over-confident walk, as if the world was a pretentious runway designed for his expensive shoes and matched avant-garde slacks, his steps were firmer than the towering mountain tops he disgraced. In their hands and balanced carefully to rest on their gut was a large case of plastic water bottles, sloshing their contents uncomfortably as his thundering strut affirmed the leveled stare pointed so strongly at the horizon even tomorrow would wish it never came. Naturally, heads turned in his direction. Possibly a word or two, sprinkled in to switch up the scenario. But his eyes remained focused. His chin remained tilted down. His path didn't slow. Even at this distance, there was only one person he could match it to.


Seungmin was parading a case of water bottles in the academy's main courtyard, unbothered about the strange stares he received as he powered along.

Tentatively, Hyunjin's eyebrows furrowed together as he pocketed his stationary in his uniform and continued to watch the human's unwavering confidence. Barely, he was convincing enough in his forward convictions that the vampire nearly forgot about the half opened case of water bottles entirely. It wasn't too weird. But, the scene of a student carrying them with his chin held high was weird enough for Hyunjin to press off the wall and proceed to hustle after him. A frown stretched on the vampire's face, What is he doing now?

He scurried after; The balls of his feet stuttering along the sidewalks and cracks as his shoulders rounded off into a classical spy stature, perfectly concealed, totally unseeable by the people he wished to be hidden away from. As soon as he caught up, and before Hyunjin could get in a word, the human increased his pace. He assumed the other was following quickly behind him as he commanded, "Come on."

"Where are you going?" Hyunjin interrogated, the frown on his face stretching down by another centimeter. Although the human ploughed through the unsure field of students socializing in their vacation time, Hyunjin side stepped an oncoming couple cheerfully strolling the sidewalks together. Hand in hand. Smiling. His shoulder brushed them as they passed. Timidly, he apologized with a dip of his head in their direction, before the frown returned to his face with a scoff and he speed off after the hazardous bulldozer of the other. No sign of him slowing down any time soon.

"The school office," Seungmin told. Again, that tone of his which waved in such a way to mock the older for not already knowing the solution to the problem.

"With that?"

"What else," The human challenged. As they rounded a corner and Hyunjin fell behind to let another group of students pass by, Seungmin dictated, "Hurry up!"

The vampire let his frown drop by a few more centimeters than the last. Soon, he would have an entire meter worth of a grimace coating his face, "Can you tell me what you're planning, at least?"

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