29 ◈ Corpsing

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"I need to check the records again," Seungmin stepped quickly along the rough carpet of the classroom building hallways, a narrowed shift to his eyes hiding the otherwise overpowering frown collapsing his lips, "Something's strange about them."

Behind him, Hyunjin hummed a distracted response; Half focused on the other's marathon sprint of a mind, and half focused on the smooth locks of amber brown bounding in front of him with every confident step of their owner. He buried his hands far into the pockets of his slate slacks, his thumbs barely protruding from the opening slits he invaded to hook along the hem of the pocket, using the polished seams as a way to distract his mind even farther from the sway of the human he was following after. For no other reason, other than the fact his hands tended to tremble and his spine was injected was chills anytime Seungmin scrutinized him under that investigative stare. Not the fun, excited, kind of chills either. More the 'I am about to die to a monster' feeling he'd rarely experience, outside of handing the human.

Hyunjin frowned at the back of Seungmin's head, At least his hair looks nice. I'd almost want to touch it, if I didn't think he'd turn around and bite me.

The human continued his forward charge, unwavering, head fixated to a point in the horizon far from where they were, unswiveling. Never shifting, not even to ensure that he was being followed. He simply knew. His hands drifted by his sides, tightly clenched fists desynchronizating in pendulum swings back and forth by his hips. His shoulders, drawn back into a straight board under his navy uniform blazer, an annoyingly enlarged ego balancing on the tipping scales of his shoulder blades snaking as he compensated for the languid march rhythmically thumping through the second floor hallway. If the vampire could see his eyes, he was sure they would be dilated with the power of a thousand noir detective novels. The kickback of his revolver, cocked and loaded.

Hyunjin repeated the details in his head. Those small quirks he noted, dusting them off as he salvaged them from beneath a pile of his distain towards the human. He inhaled the explicit sage scent ahead of him, allowing the echoing drumbeat of Seungmin's heart to grace his eardrums, finding a comfort in the way the thumps matched to the beats of their footsteps. Slowly becoming hypnotized by the tempo of their forward parade through the hall to find the exit of the stairwell leading to the first floor, he took it in. The aroma, the hair, the heartbeat, the talking.

Wait, talking?

Hyunjin's eyes snapped to the approaching gap in the wall, the loud hints of a conversation taking place between the squared off corners. Panic erupted in his chest.

The vampire lunged forward. His hands immediately flung out of his pockets to grab onto Seungmin as he began to step into the opening of the stairwell. His grip clamped around the human's elbow, a violent yank ripping him backwards. Hyunjin tossed a hand to cover Seungmin's mouth before he could make a peep.

He shoved the human against the nearest wall with a light knock, firmly keeping the palm pressed over the other's lips to stop the protests already trying to fight back. Nails clawed into the silencing hand, a deadly scowl sharpening on Seungmin's face as his free hand balled into fists to hit the vampire. Barely, Hyunjin managed to keep the other to the concealment of the wall and the fist away from anywhere that would be noticeable if bruised, all the while keeping him still.

Hyunjin rammed his knees into the wall, using the poor tactic to cage in the furious human. Regardless of the few inches of distance them with. Anything that would keep a fist from pummeling into his face felt ideal in that moment. Details on personal space could be ironed out later. Though, he still sent a mental apology to Seungmim and prayed to any Lord he think of to ensure his message managed to reach the other.

As if the world heard his plea, Seungmin stopped struggling against the hold as soon as they heard a disappointed sigh from the stairwell,

"Felix, lower your voice."

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