40 ◈ Down Feathers

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"My notebook is gone."

Hyunjin glanced up from the frame of the Rubik's cube occupying his free-range boredom from sprinting too far out of sight. He quirked an eyebrow at Seungmin's back presented flush to him; The younger hunched like a gargoyle over his desk scattered in an organized chaos of homework papers and notes compiling lists on lists, his knuckles folded tightly as he leaned onto the surface for support against the downward weight of gravity hauling him to the pits of the world as his gaze narrowed to the one behind him. The vampire twisted the Rubik's cube side around for the hundredth time, not bothering to return his stare to the toy as he attempted to clarify, "The one you keep for evidence?"

"Unless I misplaced it or put the notebook down elsewhere in the dorm," Seungmin nodded a swift confirmation. The suspicious narrow of his eyes casted back to the stacks of papers atop the borrowed desk, his hands immediately coming to rifle through the endless bunches of undulating corners folding with the slightest weight shoved into them. He grumbled underneath his breath as he grabbed a stack of homework papers and bumped their ends against the wooden surface to align them, the harsh clicks of the paper stack on the polished plywood masking the irritation in his tone, "But why would I have misplaced my notebook? Or moved it? This doesn't make sense. I've never moved it from the drawer."

"Maybe you put it somewhere when you were talking," Hyunjin muttered, as he casted his eyes back to the Rubik's cube he fiddled with. He rotated the side around again, then revolving the cube in his hands to check the mismatched progress of his handiwork as he shrugged, "It happens." 

Seungmin slammed the stack of papers down on the desk, "I wouldn't have misplaced it. Not while knowing the accusations that are inside."

Halting his fidgets with the children's toy, the vampire glanced back up to the younger. His rigid back still turned to the supposed feral creature sitting politely on his bunkbed mattress, his hands still shifting through the messy cluster of papers Seungmin insured was not as disorderly as the gatherings presented themselves to be, and although the vampire wasn't able to see the human's face, he could hear the rumination of a scowl lingering on his lips. One of his pointed and narrowed glares of downturned daggers, dangerous venom slipping through his veins, through his fingers, the refined edge of an accusatory snarl raking his nails into the desk. They clawed violently into the papers, frantically searching despite the composed front their owner kept stable.

Seungmin pushed the last of the papers aside before turning on his heel, wheeling around to the otherwise uncluttered space of the arranged dorm. His lips angled thin as he marched from the desk to a space squeezed between his number and the next, then to the trashcan on the other side of the distant way, next to a space underneath what Hyunjin came to know as Jisung's bunkbed as the human lifted the sheets to check the dark abyss, afterwards to the desk again, circling back through the space of the dorm, doubling over where he checked, reassuring the thin cracks, the changing crevasses concealing what crawling monsters slithered flushed secrets hidden away, as if those lumbering peeps were the convicts which stole the desired notebook. With each unsuccessful circuit, his scowl seemed to grow deeper.

Hyunjin vacantly watched the human scurry around the dorm, checking under and above anything and anywhere he could see. His eyes chased Seungmin. Wordlessly observing. Silently, he set the Rubik's cube down on the mattress next to him.

The next time Seungmin looped a new track around the dorm, coming close to where Hyunjin sat  on the mattress, the vampire snagged up his wrist. The human whipped an impenetrable glower as Hyunjin's grip clasped unbreakable around the thin veins to haul him down. At the force, Seungmin's head bowed down to shield himself from the coming impact.

Without another thought, Hyunjin reached out and pinched the end of Seungmin's hair strands.

The human ripped his wrist away, shifting back from the vampire with a snap, "What are you doing?"

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