47 ◈ Goro-Goro

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Seungmin brushed his palms back on his uniform pants as they walked together, the human occasionally bumping into the vampire's side as they headed on their projected pathway to return to the human dorms with the falling evening.

Hyunjin glanced to his phone in his hand, briefly checking the text popping up before pocketing the device.

A door opened in front of them. Their steps slowed to observe the curious gaze of a familiar vampire pop his head into the hallway, his gaze chasing down the adjacent side of the hall before he stepped fully into the corridors borne still in the dark shadows of the evening outside, before his eyes shifted to the tunnel the pair was heading towards him from. He scanned them over a few times, eyes raking their halted forms as a visible curiosity spread across his features. Chan released his hand from the doorknob, the back of his foot smoothly slithering back to catch the sheer side of the wooden slab in the crux above his heel, before allowing door of the dorm room to fall shut from the softened position he propped it open. He interrogated them, "Where are you two going?"

"We were... Walking," Hyunjin quickly told as he shifted on his heels. He glanced to the suspicious narrow of Chan's eyes, then to Seungmin, before returning to his friend. He concluded, "Together. Walking together."

Chan quirked an eyebrow at the response. His features contorting in an odd way. Withdrawing inward. Pulling back. Retreating, as if he didn't entirely believe the opposition. Or if he had believed, then the shift of his gaze and the knotting eyebrows couldn't trust the truth was told entirely. He couldn't count the truth, the full truth, and nothing but the truth, if the truth hadn't been said in it's full span. Somewhere in his eyes, that much was made obvious. Even if that was the honest situation: Hyunjin and Seungmin were walking together, down the dorm corridors, heading back to the human dorms before curfew marked the dusk closing in on their exhausted forms. Somehow, seeing them in the silence of the hallway, Chan didn't seem to believe that honest.

At the blatant uncertainty carrying from the older's shoulders, the unsettled feeling radiating from his stiff shoulders as if he had to be perched on guard for any lunging attacks either of them might toss at him, Seungmin shifted back on his heels as well. His arms came to cross firmly over his chest, a subtle simper of irking diplomacy daring the older vampire to vocalize his suspicions as Seungmin seemed to lean his weight closer to Hyunjin and elaborated, "Hyunjin was returning me to my dorm. These last few days, he has been courteous and has escorted me back to my proper building when I return."

Chan looked to Hyunjin, "Is that it?"

"Yeah," Hyunjin agreed, his voice snapping with a childlike obliviousness as he simply bopped his head to confirm what the human said. He must have looked idiotic from the motion because the other quickly scrunched up his features even more, his eyebrows nearly meeting the pull back of his lips in response. The vampire simply cleared his throat and slid a hand to the spot behind his ear, "That's what I was doing."

Glancing back to Seungmin, Chan inquired slowly, "Aren't you worried? Being alone with a vampire?"

"I would be. Any human would have second doubts being alone with one of your kind," Seungmin nodded the swift validation of his words. He shifted again on his heels, the side of his arm slamming into the vampire who locked up at the unprompted connection. His hand lifted, fingers and lips curling as he jabbed a thumb at Hyunjin, shamelessly informing with an air of reassured confidence floating from him. A total trust in his words, his own self, his thoughts, his actions, he believed firmly in his breath, his heartbeat, his mind, his existence, as he tipped his chin up to the older vampire and postured, "But I'm inclined to say that line of thought is foolish. This one makes me feel more secure being alone with him, than I do when I'm with other humans."

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