
492 29 13

cw // mention of: abuse, domestic violence, jail, cheating

Hyunjin put a hand on my shoulder making me flinch under his touch.

I looked at him, my eyes brimming with tears. When his dark brown eyes met mine, the small apologetic smile on his face faded.

"That's enough, Minho. He looked after Chunghee today, I literally told you I couldn't do it on my own. You should be thankful."


I heard him laugh sarcastically. Tears now running down my face, my lips tightly shut together to not make a noise.

"Thankful for what exactly, Hwang? Basic human decency? You should have never told him about it in first place. The whole school will be aware now."

Even though my vision was getting blurry while I was still not taking my eyes off Hyunjin, I thought I saw him squint his eyes. When he looked back to me for a second and noticed that I was crying, he wiped away my tears with his sweater. Anger being shown on his face. He took my hand in his, rubbing small circles over it.

"If you need anyone to take care of Chunghee, feel free to let me know but don't you dare talk to me for any other reason again. What you're doing is horrible."

"Horrible? Me? You're blinded by love, Hyunjin. You barely even know him. Just like with Jisung, he will betray you."

"Who even is this Jisung you're talking about?"

"Oh, did he not tell you? Jeongin, why don't you explain who Jisung is, hm? I am sure Hyunjin would love to hear how you told everyone that his dad went to jail and that he was abused every night and how you didn't do a thing to prevent this from happening."

Shut up, please shut up.

Shut up.

Shut up, shut up, shut up.

"No, wait, you did do something. Cheated on him with Seo Changbin, right?"


That wasn't true.

No. No. No.

Make it stop.


"Minho, leave. Now."

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