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"23 minutes, Jeongin. You're too late."

I looked to my left, seeing Hyunjin in his pyjama pants, yet no actual shirt, just a tanktop. Making me wonder if he did that on purpose. As if on cue Jisung straightened his back, wiping his lip with his thumb.

"Don't worry, Hwang. My job here is done."

My face felt incredibly warm. The expression on Hyunjin's face when Jisung said that hurt even me.

"Hyunjin, it's not what-"

"-it looks like? Yeah, I think I heard that one somewhere before. Now come on in. My ice cream's melting."

I bit my bottom lip, unsure of how to feel about Hyunjin reacting like that.
Without a second thought I pushed past Jisung, entering Hyunjin's house.

The faster we got this over with the better.

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