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"He didn't exactly cheat but he often met Seungmin without telling me. I felt betrayed and one day he just broke things off. Shortly after, the two started dating, everyone except for Felix hated me and Jisung's dad was jailed."

I let my hand slide behind his back again. Hyunjin put two fingers under my chin, lifting my head a little so that I could look directly into his eyes. He showed me a soft smile. I loved it when he did that. My heart felt at peace for some reason. Being around him was comforting.

Suddenly, he gave me a short kiss.

"You're doing great, Jeongin. This isn't your fault. It never was."

I hid my face in his jacket after it felt extremely hot. He let out a small giggle in response.

Oh God.

What did I do to deserve him?

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