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"All done, you're cleaned up now, Chunghee!" I booped his nose as he showed me a big smile. Suddenly he grabbed my finger wanting to put it in his mouth. Before he could do that I pulled my hand away and grabbed him.

"Hey Jinnie, we should go grocery shopping with him. Could be fun, what do you think?"

While I was making faces to Minho's son, I walked in Hyunjin's direction down the stairs - carefully of course.

But the boy seemed to be deep in thought, not registering that I was standing right next to him. With his eyes focused on the floor in front of him, he played with his lips. I noticed that he did that a lot when he was talking too. Quickly I pressed a wet kiss on his jawline, making him jump.

"God, Jeongin, what's wrong with you? Gross."

Hyunjin held his chest while wiping his face with his sleeve of his other arm.

"I asked if you wanted to go grocery shopping."

Without thinking about it twice he nodded.

"Let's go, babe."

Oh Lord, I would never get used to this. What was he doing to me?

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