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"What are you doing at my house, Jeongin?"

Minho looked at me expectantly, after he opened the door for me.

Like I had mentioned before, Felix and Minho have always been close, if he couldn't talk to me about something, he would definitely go to him. He probably trusted him when telling about our plan.

But who was Minho close to as well? Han Jisung.

"I mean, you're not here to take care of Chunghee, right?"

He let out a sarcastic laugh, making me wonder if he actually meant to apologise the last time we met. My stomach felt weird, maybe this wasn't the greatest idea I had.

"Why was Jisung at your house last night?"

Minho looked a bit taken back by the question which only further confirmed my theory. He probably expected me to ask how Jisung knew about the plan.

"Why does that matter to you?"

A classical Minho, always a witty comment ready, no matter the situation.

"Because he tried to kiss me that night."

"But you went ahead and almost fucked Hyunjin though."

"And how would you know?"

I raised an eyebrow while trying to look as intimidating as I could even though my heart felt heavy. Did Hyunjin tell him? This was private, I didn't want others to know.

"Well you see-," he took a step forward, touching my neck, "you're not as good with makeup as you think you are."

His whisper made me shiver. This was someone I used to consider my friend.

Immediately, I pushed him away, feeling weird about the sudden closeness.

"Oh and Jisung told me you entered Hyunjin's house. I am not dumb."

I let out a shaky breath, not realizing I was close to tears. Everything should just find an end.

"We can pick my son up if you want to. I will tell you more on our way there. It takes some time by feet and Chan isn't available right now. Too busy having sex with Felix."

I really didn't need to know.



a/n: the baby you all seemed to have forgotten about is gonna have his comeback. yaaay. and more chanlix fwb. yaaay.

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