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Lexi's POV

"well if he lives here, where is he?" I asked looking around. i then took a closer look and walked up the stairs to the bedrooms. Anna tagged along, "he's at work right now. he gave me permission to show you around, as a matter of fact, he should be here any minute now " she gave me a reassuring smile. the place was spotless, but when I saw the bedroom towards the back corner, I saw that obviously someone is living here.

a guitar was laid out on the made bed and he had lights and cameras for videos. "one question" I said looking around his room. "what is it?" she asked adjusting on her right heel. "he isn't a old creep, is he?" she started chuckling. "oh god no. he's probably about your age" I smiled. "good" we walked back down stairs and I sat down and she brought back cookies.

"here. make yourself at home. after all, it might be" I thanked her. just then we heard the doorknob jiggling. "oh good. that must be Jacob" she got up and then a extremely tall boy walked in. he was at least a few inches over six feet tall. his back was facing me so I could not see him.

"Jacob. this is the young lady who wanted to live here also" Anna explained, just then he turned around. He looked so familiar... then, it clicked. "Jacob!" I yelled, he stared at me for a little while till he realized it was me. "Lexi!" he stretched his arms out. I ran up to him and he picked me up and swung me around and I wrapped my legs around him.

first through seventh grade, I moved all over the place for my father's work before he died. In seventh grade, I was getting bullied when I got to Knoxville Tennessee. then I met Jacob Whitesides and everyone left me alone because he always stood up for me. I loved that kid. We always rode bikes together in our neighborhood and went everywhere together. you can say Jacob and I had puppy love.

He liked me and I liked him very much. He was my first kiss, and we always snuck out of our houses just to see each other. most of the time we would lay down on the road, looking at the stars. we could never get enough of each other.

then my father died. it was an incident at work. A heavy machine fell on top of him, crushing him. I couldn't bare it. Jacob was there for me, he told me all his feelings for me, and he was going to be my first boyfriend, but my mother made the most awful decision for us to move back to Arizona. Our original home. I never saw Jacob again.

tears started falling onto my cheeks as he squeezed me. "I'm moving in for sure" I told Anna as he let me go. "it's good to see you again" he kissed my forehead. "I'll get you a key by tomorrow" she started walking towards the door then stopped. "this is why I love my job" she smiled at us and I smiled back.

she left just like that. "this isn't real" I said putting my hands on his face. "it is" he laughed, pulling me in for another hug. "I see your still the same tall, lanky kid" I laughed "I haven't seen you in five years and I can tell your still stubborn" I just laughed, and he finally let me go. "I don't want to let go" I cried out as he sat down. "why are you still crying?" he chuckled, pulling me onto his lap.

"its just- I-I missed you so much" I stuttered, laying my head on his shoulder. he rested his hands on my legs. "believe me, I missed you. I cried for God knows how long" he said and I just smiled at him. "I hate to leave you but I need my luggage" "I'll come with" I nodded and walked to my car and he got in the passenger.

he started singing along with the radio as it played afraid by the neighborhood. "still into music huh?" I looked over at him, and he was already staring at me. "I got more into it when you left. it was kind of an escape. I was alone when you left" this saddened me and I could tell it was starting to depress him as well.

I searched for his hand and held it. "I'm so sorry, but I'm here now. okay?" he smiled and nodded as I pulled into Mallory's driveway. I saw Johnson's vehicle. oh boy. "come on" I pulled Jacob towards the door. I knocked and Mallory answered.

"ayee, come in and who is this?" she asked as we stepped through the door. "Jacob Whitesides, nice to meet you" he held his arm out for her to shake and she shook his hand softly. "LEXI" johnson screamed throwing me over his shoulder. "where have you been? I miss your cooking" he yelled throwing me down on the couch.

I laughed. "this is my second day gone. and I'm moving out and moving in with an old friend of mine" I smiled toward Jacob's direction. "Is that Lexi I hear?" I heard footsteps run into the living room from the kitchen. it was Gilinsky and Nate. gilinsky gave me a brief hug. "why are you moving out? you can't just move out without telling us" he pouted. "sorry G, I've made up my mind"

nate put his arms around my neck and hugged me tightly, as I wrapped my arms around his waist. "baby girl, why are you leaving me?" "nate, I'm still gonna be in California. visit me whenever you want" he held on a little longer.

I heard the glass sliding door open, as loud-high pitched laughter filled the air. matt. and the most adorable laugh stopped. sam. nate let go off me and I cleared my throat. "I'll be right back, Jacob" all eyes were now on him as I walked in the guest room grabbing all my stuff.

when I came back out. I saw all the boys chatting amongst themselves. Jacob and Johnson seemed to be getting along very well. but I can't help but notice one thing. Sam was staring at Jacob. his fist were balled up and his jaw was clenched. I didn't mean to notice but now I can't look away.

I could stare at him all day, I mean his features are perfect. I tried to turn away quickly before he could notice. too late. his eyes and my eyes were studying each other. tears swelled up in my eyes as he mouthed 'please don't cry'

Sam's POV

"I'll be right back, Jacob" Lexi went in the room to go get her stuff. we all looked at Jacob and I'm sure everyone was making him uncomfortable. "so how you know Lex?" Matt spoke up. "she used to live in Tennessee in seventh grade. and her and I were best friends" and they all replied with 'oohs' and talked amongst themselves. but I had a feeling that something was off about him.

I finally looked away from him and Lexi was right there. she was staring at me. and I couldn't look away from her gorgeous eyes. that's when I noticed the hurt. tears were threatening to spill from her eyes. and it pains me to know I'm the reason why. 'please don't cry' I mouthed.

I wanted to get up and hug her, tell her everything is okay. I wanted to kiss her all over her face so she can laugh. I knew I couldn't do this though.

"I think we should leave" she told Jacob.



this part sucked too. oh well.

soooooo Jacobb😏

and I'm gonna keep promoting this cause it's so good:

> FinnickisBae13 <

the story is called 'lucid'

as always,

this wasn't the plan 》s.w. / n.m. Where stories live. Discover now