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(please read my A/N at the end)

Nate's POV
(a/n: wow it's been a while)

I was ten minutes away when sammy said, "why are we going there now?" we were at the studio so I couldn't just leave him because i was probably going to stay with her as long as she needed, even the whole day. "it's an emergency, I guess" I replied back.

"you guess? well our songs are an emergency you know" he sighs. "she was crying," I roll my eyes. he just nods and then I pull into her driveway.

I go to knock on the door, but I hear hollering. I knock on the door anyways, ignoring it. it becomes quiet and a few second later, lexi opens the door. her hair was messy and her eyes were red and puffy, while tears were running down her face. "but you invite him here?" I hear a voice behind her. "If I were you I wouldn't judge me for having a guy over. the best thing you can do right now jacob, is just go. come back when your not being a dick" he scoffs and runs through the door hitting my shoulder the way out.

"come in" she said. "I brought sam because we were at the new studio so I couldn't just leave him especially with how far that one is from the house" I apologize to her. she says it's okay so I turn to the car and wave for him to come in.

I walk in and sam follows after me. "what's wrong" sam ask. he was being a prick but as soon as he saw her face, I knew he felt like shit for what he said in the car. she sits down and exhales, but her voice is shaky. sam and I look at each other and sit down across from her

"what's going on with jacob?" I asked her. "he's been cheating on me. I just ended things with him.." when she pauses I look at sam who looks tense. it could be because of the cheating or it could be he's angered because this is the 'emergency'. "I was sitting down just crying and he wasn't anywheres in sight, but he left his phone and it started going off. a girl sent some videos of herself and said she couldn't wait to see him again" well damn.

"wait. why were you crying?" sam asked. "my mom came over. she's sleeping right now actually, but um, a month ago she went to the hospital and found out she had a brain tumor. she didn't tell me until today because she thought she'd get better, but when she realized she wasn't, she got off her medicine," her breath hitches but yet she continues, "she could go any day" and then she breaks down again.

"I'm so sorry" sam and I say in unison. I remember she told all of us how she lost her dad, I couldn't imagine what she's going through right now losing her mom too. "and jacob didn't make anything better" she pulled her knees to her chin as she tried to calm herself down.

I don't know what to do. I never had to comfort someone in this kind of way. sam stands up and sits next to her. he pulls her close to him and she cries in his chest. this stings a little. she called me, but sam is the one comforting her.

Sam's POV

I miss this. I miss having lexi in my arms, I'm glad nate dragged me with him. "I'll go get G and Johnson. we should all be here for you" nate smiled at her and she nodded her head and he disappeared through the door.

her breathing soothed and she wasn't crying as hard. her head was on my shoulder as she just stared off into space. "I miss you" she said out of no where. "I miss you too" I kissed her forehead. I laid down on the sofa and patted the spot next to me. she laid down facing me and tangled our legs together. "it's going to be okay. I'm always here" I say brushing her hair. she doesn't say a word. she just cuddled up closer to me. "I think you need rest too" she closes her eyes. "ok"

after five minutes, she hasn't opened her eyes again. I thought she was asleep until she said, "sam?" she said, still not opening her eyes. "yes?"

"I love you" my eyes widen. in all the time I known her, she only ever said those words once and I knew she didn't mean it at that time. "you what?" this time she opens her eyes. "you know I tried hard to hang with nate, but then he'll end up talking about you and him doing things together and that makes me miss you. in my relationship with jacob when he would do something, I'd compare him to you. sammy, I can't stop thing about you" now I'm in shock. "I love you too" I want nothing more than to kiss her but the door flies open.

"hey. is she asleep" johnson asks. I looked down at her and she mouths a 'yes' to me. "yeah. she is" I knew she wouldn't be able to talk about it all over again. I looked at her again, and her eyes were closed. she looks beautiful, even with her eyes swollen, and hair tangled. I really do love this girl.



epilogue being posted shortly after this.

epilogue isn't a normal epilogue. it's going to be a timeline of events. ok? ok.

much love,

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