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When Edward had arrived it great news for her father and mother. Soon enough everybody gathered around the grand-table. She sat across from Edward who only kept giving her stares, smiling out of happiness. "Lord Warwick must not be happy you had to stop here, Edward." Castor Grey spoke, taking a sip of his wine.

Edward grinned. "He's not always in charge of me. I'm king. Am I not?" Her younger sister giggled at his comment. Margaret only nodded he certainly got some confidence in him. The Edward she knew since she was child wasn't the same. She heard rumors of his plenty affairs with woman England. Some where ladies of court who were already married to their husbands. Isabelle Grey only smiled at flickering her eyes between Edward and Margaret.

"That's great news. We celebrate your victory, Edward," Richard Grey spoke taking a sip of his wine, gesturing for Edward to do the same. Edward took his sip of wine, managed to finished it on the spot. "Of course my victory is celebration. I congratulate you and your father, Castor. My father friend and a brother to me." As Edward rambled on, she watched in silence how her father reacted to Edward speech.

Her mother didn't utter a word only sat by her father. Her mother is quiet woman who doesn't share her opinions that clearly.

"I have such devotion to my kingdom. I, want to thank you for your service. I'm afraid the war isn't over. I won the battles but I must win the war as soon as possible." Edward began to eyed Margaret, she held her posture straight and stare right back.

"I'm sure you'll do good, my king. You'll be such devoted king, Edward." With that sentence Edward smiled out of happiness. Margaret couldn't agree more, Edward isn't the same boy, she knew since a child. He's man now, his ways of words certainly scares her.

Soon enough, they began to feast only to for when father to speak once more. "Edward, there's something I must ask of you. My father lands, since my brother is dead. I only ask for my lands and titles to brought back to my family." With that sentence, Edward smirked. The whole room was silence, he laughed. "Of course, I'll run it with Warwick first, I guarantee you it will be return to you as soon as possible." With that everybody began smiling out of happiness. Her mother only gave a nod, as she held onto her father hand, smiling.

Edward began to get up. "May I have a word with Margaret?" With that sentence her whole family became silent.

"Margaret?" Isabella asked, confused, spitting what's everybody thought at the moment. Her mother turn to look at her, shocked. "Of course, my sister is available to speak to you." Richard spoke causing everybody to gasp.

They were walking the garden, in silence. "I feel like I should break the silence." Edward confessed. Margaret grinned. "You think? Edward your notorious for your ways with woman. Whose to say you took me out to claim some victory?" Edward raised his eyebrows. "Is that what you think of me?"

"What else? You come and ask for private moment with me." Margaret states, not wanting to further engaged.

"You got it wrong. I've come for you. Remember our promise? When you kissed me confessing your feelings for me, and made me promise you, I'll be back for you." Edward confessed causing her to guilty trip. "It was a moment of desperation, I thought you were not going to make it back." When those words hit Edward, he sighed.

"I should have known coming back was a mistake," he muttered. Margaret turned back and took a look at him. "It wasn't. I only say this because your king now. I'm a lady. With no titles, my family is not rich, nor wealthy for any matter. I can't give you anything, Edward."

Edward gave her one last look. "I could give you anything you want. Just come with me. Come to the kingdom. Be beside me." That's when she gasp, she wouldn't make a fool out of herself. "I would not. My place is here. I must get marry before all that. I'm afraid Edward. I will not be with anyone beside my husband." She took one step closer. "Not even you."

With that, Edward furrows his eyebrows. He grinned. "Every well then. I believe my time is wasted being here. I should be on my way now." He began walking down the path towards the entrance leaving her there. Margaret sighed, with broken heart. She knew all those words hurt him to the very core. There was no chance. She must marry some lord and provide him heirs, while he will marry a princess and produce new kings and queens. As she began walking, back to her rooms. Her maids came in running, fetching her new clothes and providing her a bath.

The next few days were quiet, she had spend her time in the garden or making arrangements for her sister feast, that was coming in few nights from now on. She was in was in her room, laying on bed when her mother marched in. "What have you done?!" Margaret stood up looking confused at her mother. "What did I do?" She asked.

"Your father lands and titles are not being returned. We received a letter. Edward wants to wait a little longer to return the lands. Warwick idea." Her mother stated. Margaret raised her eyebrows. "It's not my fault."

That's when her mother sighed. She stepped closer. "I have my sources in my kingdom. When he arrived to the kingdom, he was angry and that he refused to speak to anyone, nor his brothers. He says, he is anger, that you denied him."

Margaret smirked. "All I said, was I would not marry him." Her mother eyes lit up. "He proposed marriage?"

"No! He simply thought there was something between us. When he left for the battle a year ago, I kissed him." She stated as her mother eyes widened. "I see. That's answers our prayers." Margaret looked at her mother, with such curious eyes. She never had that look, onto when she's scheming.

Margaret looked at her confused. "Pardon? Mother, what do you have plan?" That's when her mother leaned closer placed a kiss on her right cheek. "I want you to relax. I'll fix this. I'll write a letter back to Edward, to invite him to Isabella grand-feast in honor of her turning sixteen. Edward is looking for his new queen, some say."

"A princess, mother. Not a lady of court. Besides Isabella is only sixteen." That's when her mother turn to look at her, smirking. "Whose says, Isabella is the one I'm planning this for. I want you all ready for this week to come," she smiled looking at a Margaret. Margaret took some breaths, gulped. What has her mother plan for her?


I decided to add a song every chapter now. I'll simply say, it will get better from here. Stay tuned! Leave some thoughts. Also, I want to say Isabella Grey is being added for reason, she isn't a good sister. You'll see why.

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