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It's been few weeks and she swears the castle has been roaming with conspiracies and rumors regarding the relationship between her and Edward. Every since, Edward had made sure her father stayed behind going against Lord Warwick command, everybody has gather secrets that she's the whore that Edward has been sleeping with. Which isn't true.

She was frustrated and angry.

She spend her day walking through the gardens when she came across George and Richard speaking to one each other.

"We'll, the princess's has awaken," George teased her. She raised her eyebrow, frustrated. She walked towards him ready to slap him when she just was brought into a hug by George.

"You know we only like to mess around with you, Margo," he teased. She smiled lightly watching as Richard chuckled.

"How's your day going so far?" Richard asked. Margaret smiled." Going quite well." She responded.

As days went by, she couldn't understand the whole concept of being labeled as an 'Edward whore' She walked in on her mother and father discussing some manners.

"What's the meaning of this?" She asked. Her father turned at her and smirked. "We come to believe that you being labeled as Edward whore is a problem" her mother nodded. "With Isabelle going to marry George of Clarence, we have decided that it's best to send you off to the country."

With that look, she shrugged. "How could you send me off?" she looked at him warily. "Mother, George is older than Isabelle, she's a child." With that, she frustratedly walked off.

It's been two days since she hasn't cared.

She was preparing to leave, she had been preapring for a while. She was walking outside the courtyard when she came faced to faced to Edward. He is suited in armor,his hair wet, holding his helmet.

"You don't need to leave.'' He softly spoke.

"You think I have a choice, Edward?" She replies. They both stared into each other eyes, she was well dress and ready to be send off to the country. "My mother arrangement for me to stay at the Woodvilles. I'll be attending my brother wedding to Elizabeth." Edward scoffed.

"Your brother has betrayed me"

She laughs. "The only person he betrayed is me. Edward you have no right it's best you leave me be and go on to fight the war."

Edward glances at her. "You really don't want to married me?" He asked

She merely stays silent making him decide for himself. He lowers his head down unable to utter words. Then he glances at her giving her a smile. "Your father is pardon and Warwick promises to leave your family alone. Of course with the wedding of Isabella and George, everything shall be settled." She takes a look at him not saying a word. Edward gulps. "You don't have to married me. You can lived in the country. Gods want it you'll shall be granted permission to married Anthony Woodville"

She merely looks at him unable to speak. He has truly give up?

"I wish you, good luck Edward"

Edward takes a look at her and nods. "I wish you the same" that's when he left across the long hall and merely didn't turn back. She didn't realized it then, a piece of heart felt shattered.

Next few months  has come she had been staying with the Woodvilles, she had become good sisters with the Woodvilles sisters and form a stronger bond than ever.

Elizabeth Woodville and Richard had been married, are expecting their first child together. She is happy for both of them but rumors of  begin to spread. It's noted Richard her brother has another woman he has been seeing at the castle.

She had heard that rumor from her sister who has been writing letters to her. She will be traveling back for her sister wedding she is excited about. It's the first time she will be traveling back with her brother of his many trips he has done.

"Writing letters aren't we?" Richard came in the room.

"Of course." She replied sighing turning her head.

"Dare is not to Edward." Richard spoke. She froze, she has forgotten about Edward. Since their last encounter he has given up on her and he did. There are no letters that came in for her and no messages from the castle of his arrival. She is worried but she has moved on completely and wants too.

"I wrote to Edward once, he says he close by but there is a lot of battles going on he has maintain himself busy." She looked at him by "busy" he's probably whoring around.

"Has he found a maid to fuck?" She replied looking away. Richard gasps. "Of course not. Knowing Edward he wouldn't mind to find some."

They looked at each other eyes and merely laughed. "Don't worried I'm sure Edward will contact you. He won't forgot his one true love."

The looked they both gave to each other froze. "Edward does not love me."

Richard came closer to her. "Sure he does. He always has, don't worried and maintain your composure." He leans forward to give her a kiss on the forehead.

"I denied Edward so many times."

Richard leans back unsure what to say. She looks at him with her blue eyes and just shrugs if off. "Edward is your love, don't forget that sister."

She didn't say much and just stared at her brother who has found love. When will she?

Author Note

I'm back hahahaahah. Honestly 50 votes and 10 comments I'll update

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2023 ⏰

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