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When dawn had sit in, everybody was expecting the arrival of the king. Richard had been busy discussing some plans with her father. She had spend the day in her room, she didn't have the energy to get up or find her mother for any matter. Isabella had entered her room.

"Isabella?" She asked grabbing her attention. "Dear sister. Why haven't you gone downstairs? It's my day after all?" With that sentence, Margaret couldn't bear to say any matter.

"Have you gone mad denying the king?" Isabella spoke. Margaret looked at her warily. "You don't know the king like I do." With that, she found herself sitting beside her sister.

"Do tell me, Margaret. How's the king? How did you meet him?" With that she began to think of all the stories and events that happen that had lead her to be closer to Edward. She remembers the day, she chose to reveal her feelings, and her first kiss.

"He's old friend, Isabella. I'm sure one day you'll meet one person, who will love you and cherish you, a lord or maybe prince." That's when Isabella smirked. "How about king?" She looked at her elder sister with a smile.

"I overheard mother speaking with father about how the king is on a quest for his queen. What better than him? He's perfect match." Margaret couldn't utter anything. Has her sister gone mad? How could she do that? Isabella is young and isn't thinking right. "Are you sure, sister? Some say he's set to marry a French princess."

Isabella frowned. "We'll see."

That's when her sister began to smirked in excitement. Margaret couldn't understand her youngest sister say all these things.

"The king is boy, Margaret. He may hurt your feelings." With that, Isabella turn to look at her once more. "I know. I'm a girl. Whose to say he won't fall for me?" Isabella left the room leaving Margaret with all sort of thoughts.


Night had came. All sorts of people had gathered for the feast. Some were unknown to her. "You had awaken?" Richard spoke, walking towards Margaret.

"Of course my dear brother. Now where is our sweet sister. It's her day after all." With that she began searching for her sister when her eyes landed on the king speaking with her youngest sister.

Her brother got closer. "We cannot refused the king. Father can't allow his youngest to be near the king. We cannot do anything. It's our king." With that, they turn their heads to see both of them giggling and laughing.

"I will speak to Edward." She started walking towards them only to be stop by her mother. "Have you done enough?" Her mother spoke pulling her away.  "What are you doing, mother?"

"Leave your sister alone. Come, now. You must meet Anthony Woodville." As soon as she heard that word, she panic. "No, mother!" She said softly. Her mother pulled her away not knowing Edward had heard their conversation.

She was barged into a conversation that Anthony was having with somebody. "Oh, Anthony Woodville. It's pleasure to see you. Meet my daughter Margaret Grey." With that she smiled sweetly upon seeing him.

"It's pleasure to meet you," Anthony had spoke softly. "Anthony, I'm sure your stay was long. I'm sure Margaret will love to show you the gardens."

"Mother," she whispered. She noticed Anthony awkwardly standing there. "I'm sure Anthony here is tired-some would like to stay indoors."

"It won't be a problem. Not at all." Anthony interject. Margaret was left flustered, as her mother pulled her along with Anthony to the gardens.  They began walking around the gardens, the night sky certainly had given such beauty to it. "Forgive my mother." She broke the silence. Anthony chuckles, "I'm sure she means well. My mother has gotten me to situations that I didn't expect, to happen."

"Is that so?" Margaret asked chuckling. They began walking the path. "Your not having such a bad day, Woodville. Your stuck with me." Margaret muttered feeling like Anthony didn't like this conversation.

"It's not bad day. I'm excited to get some fresh air. I knew Isabella since she was babe, I had to come to support her on her big day." With that Margaret sighed knowing fully well, Anthony might be in love with her. "You love my sister?" She asked.

Anthony furrows his eyebrows. "I'm sure love isn't something for her. I saw how she holds that for someone else." With that, she raised her eyebrows. "Margaret loves Edward. I didn't expect that. I'll always have some love for her."

"Love is unexpected when it comes between two people. I'm sure you'll be quite well, Anthony." Margaret truthfully answered. She began to think of Edward. She needed to find him.  "I'm sure you should go back, grab her attention. Margaret likes that." They began to turn and make their way back to the main hall.

"Is that certain?" Anthony said.

Margaret laughed. "Your a wonder Anthony. I know my sister more than you. I know she can love you. I'm sure having sisters, Anthony you'll know them better than anybody in the world." Anthony smiles.

"I have plenty of sisters. Some are marry and some are widowed. My sister Elizabeth. Her husband has just died. Believe me, I come here as no spy. I'm here to support Margaret on her big day. She's special to me." Margaret smiles. "I hope your telling the truth." They began to make their way back.

It was interesting talk they just had for sure. She was suspicious on why he was here. His sister lands are taken by the new king. Her father is asking for those lands for their benefit. Why is he focus on her sister now? It all didn't make sense.

"How was your walk with Anthony Woodville?" A voice spoke. She turn to the side to see Edward standing beside her. She quickly ran to the side entrance.

"Margaret?" She turn back to see Anthony looking for her. She made her way back to Anthony, looking at him flustered.

"Should we head back in?" He asked putting a smile. Margaret smile. "I'll stay out for some fresh air. You go on. You must speak to Isabella." Anthony awkwardly looked at her for a moment.  "Are you sure? It's cold out here."

"You must go in, I'll be fine." Margaret assured him. Anthony grinned walking inside leaving her alone outside. Margaret sighed turning around only to be face to face to Edward. He smirked looking upon her with such a big smile.  "I finally have you to myself," he spoke softly cupping her cheeks, holding her close to him.


I can't wait for these two to start falling in love!
Anthony will be involved!
I don't like Isabella Grey!
Stay tuned for more! The fun is about to get started!

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