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"I'm here to speak to Elizabeth Woodville." He said standing in front of Jacquette & Baron Woodville who stood there in shocked. "Richard, what brings you here?" Jacquette asked assuring him to the table.

He looked up to see her looked at him amazed. Baron coughs. "Son if your here for my daughter, she left with her sisters to the market, we didn't expect a visit from you today." All three of them sat in the table.

"Wine?" Jacquette asked. He looked at her nodding, taking the cup, with a sip.

"My boy, aren't you days away from your wedding?" He asked. That's when, she looked to see that Richard wasn't wearing anything but old clothes. "It's best if I told you. I want to marry Elizabeth Woodville. She will be my wife."

They both looked wide eyed at him. Unsure what to do. He looked at him, amazed. He could see that fear in their eyes. "Son, your marrying Warwick daughter. Our daughter is Elizabeth, my girl." Baron spoke.

Richard smiled looking at him once more. "And I love her. I always had. I'll came here to ask for marriage. We are to wed soon. If she denies me, I'll go back to marry Isabelle Neville. I won't leave without a fight." He watched as Jacquette looked at him curiously. They didn't know what to say.

"Richard, I know you come to have feelings for Elizabeth, it's simply not possible." Baron spoke standing up. "It's best if you leave, now." Jacquette stood there shocked. He didn't understand why they were trying to keep him away from their daughter. 

"As you wish,'' he got up walking away when he was outside taking one look at the distance as he prepared to ride on his horse, he could imagine his life here being beside Elizabeth and raising their children here, a happy life, a life where he doesn't have to worry about titles or anything, he loves her. He can't think of a world without her. 

He begins to prepare his horse, ready to leave, when he could hear his name calling. He looked to the side and could see a bunch of girls coming back, with Elizabeth running towards him. He gasped running towards her, they both joint for a kiss, slowly he urged for more, she pulled away.  "What bring you here?"

"I come to ask for your hand in marriage.'' Slowly she began to smile leaning for a kiss again, she smiled brightly, nodding, indicting she's accepting it. She truly loves him to the core, when she can't understand the undeniable love, she has for him,

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