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"Is that how you behave around all men?" Edward seductively said cupping her cheeks. Margaret moved away, she couldn't be near him. Edward is king, if she is seen around him, it could ruined her reputation. "Are you refusing your king?"

Margaret eyes lit up. "I thought I was talking to my friend. Not my king, Edward." Her blues eyes sting onto his. Edward sighed. "Forgive me, Margaret. I don't know what got over me. I simply thought, the last time we were this close." That's when Edward lean once more for a kiss for her to move away. "You still move away." Edward replied frustrated, sighing.

"You give me no choice. Your spend time with my sister and now you come here expecting a kiss from me." Margaret said, groaning. Edward smirked. "Is this what it's about? I've spend time with your sister."

Margaret didn't want to answer.

Edward smiled. "I would never do that. Margaret your the only girl, I have eyes for and desire. It's killing me everyday."

"Don't be dramatic, Edward. You don't like the idea of lady rejecting you. It kills you the one person you can never have is me. You'll never have me." Margaret states confident with a smile.

Edward leaned closer, cupped her cheeks. "You realized your a Grey. I'm a Plantagenet. At least I was. It doesn't matter if I'm king or simply a prince. I have feelings for you." He leaned closer to kiss her on the lips, only for a voice to interrupted them. They both looked to the side when they noticed Anthony Woodville standing there.

"Anthony," Margaret whispered moving away from Edward. Edward simply frowned. His moment with Margaret was interrupted. He almost kissed her, he is dying to prove his loyalty to her. Margaret has been his childhood crush and one person he desire.

"What is it? Anthony?" Edward asked. Anthony took one look at Margaret and than at Edward. "Richard and Caster are looking for you. Lord Warwick has arrived. In the common room." At the moment, he took one look at Margaret who refused to look at him. He moved along leaving them both there.

"Is that why you wanted me to go?" Anthony asked. Margaret took one look at him. "Don't tell my father nor sister. They find out they'll make sure I'm burn alive. They won't be happy."

"Has he gotten your virtue?" Anthony suddenly asked. Margaret frowned. "That's not a proper question to ask me, Woodville."

She started walking leaving him to run after her. "You should know he has never been denied. He gets what he wants. No matter how many tries and how many attempts, he always gets what he wants." They kept walking she didn't have the nerve to speak to him after that rude question.

"I know your mad. I'm sorry, I said that question. I needed to know." That's when Margaret had enough turn at him. "The whole point of you coming here was because our mothers wants us to marry? Is that so?" That's when Anthony merely smirked. "I think so. What my mother doesn't know, I have love for Isabella Grey. Margaret your truly beautiful but my heart belongs to your sister."

"Then why must you stand here any longer. Go find my sister and gain her trust. Don't ever mention to her what you saw here." Margaret snapped at him. She began walking away from him, she didn't know what to do. Will he tell her parents? Or sister?

"You may find it hard to believe. Edward isn't loyal person. He's just a boy." That's when her eyes landed on Richard Grey. "Richard," she softly said.

"Sister, you cannot simply be outside along. Especially with the king." That's when her eyes furrows. "Edward pulled me aside and told me the truth, he was worry for your safety and asked me to come outside and take you to your rooms."

Margaret smirked. "It's seems like he does care for me."

"Believe or not. Anthony is good person, he won't ever do you harm." Margaret roll her eyes. "I'll will not marry him. His family, his dam sisters." She complained. Richard laughs. "I've seen his sisters. Especially Kate Woodville. A beauty."

"They aren't-you shouldn't say that about father enemies." She spoke slowly. They made their way back to the feast. "Father has no problems with them. We're trying to sort out the lands and titles. It means Elizabeth Woodville would be left out, with her two sons, no land to claim." Margaret knew he was right. A single widower with two sons. No lands or titles. It's impossible to maintain a living.

"Perhaps you should marry her, dear brother. She's quite enchanted beauty, I heard." That's when Richard raised his eyebrows. "Marrying my uncle wife, I never saw that coming." He smirks as he kept walking. Margaret sighed,"she would be gaining her titles and lands back with her two sons. I mean the lands and titles will belong to you, after father. You could help them."

"I'm far from your mind of thoughts. I can't simply marry a Woodville. Have you gone mad? They have nothing to offer me. Perhaps you should marry Anthony so we could see their inner workings." Margaret scoffed.

"I will never marry a Woodville. It's impossible." She responds annoyed. Richard smirks, "it seems like Anthony has not charm you as of this moment." Margaret laughs. If he only knew the truth. His friend, loyal, supporter has feelings for his youngest sister.

"He has no, dear brother," she smirked. They both began walking back to the feast.


When midnight had come, most of the guests had left. She had remain near the halls trying to located Edward. He still saw his horse and Lord Warwick horse as well. When she heard voices coming towards, she hit behind a wall, nearby. She had hoped it was Edward.

"Thank you for coming today, Lord Warwick." Her father responded.

"All my pleasure, I'm quite impressed by your beautiful daughter Isabella Grey. Perhaps she could marry one of the princes. Cecily would love to prepare the Isabella to marry one of her sons. She's Neville by her mother side." Castor laughs. "She takes after her mother beauty."

Margaret frowned. What is her father planning? "It's shame your other daughter wasn't around. I heard she's quite a catch. Edward doesn't stop speaking about her. Castor for old times sakes. If you want your lands and titles returned, Margaret would be the best bet. We will love to have her in the kingdom. Edward would be please, and will find her good match."

Margaret eyes widened. She can't leave her home. This is all Edward doing.

She needs to stop this before it's too late.


This is where the fun begins!

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