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It's been a month.

She found herself looking at the sky blue, smiling out of happiness. Her boys are her pride and joy, she will make sure, they will get what they deserve. She loves her children, to the core. "Elizabeth!" Her mother called out. It was the next morning, it was expected that Castor Grey and his son  Richard Grey will be arriving today to fixed the arrangement regarding the inheritance between her late husband.

She found herself looking at the distance when she could hear horses riding by. She wore blue gown and had her hair in braids. "Elizabeth!" Her mother spoke looking beside her. "My beautiful daughter. Be brave and bold, my child."

They immediately began to walked down. She could hear some talking near the halls. Her mother and her walked up towards Castor and his son whom were accompanied by Margaret and her father and Anthony. "There is the lovely Elizabeth," Anthony spoke holding her hand out for her. She took a look at her mother before taking Anthony hand. She was presented in the most beautiful way, towards them. She took one look at Richard Grey, who was much more muscular and good looking than his father. Some say he looks like his mother rather than father. She could tell he was observing like he was enchanted by her.

"Elizabeth you look beautiful!" Margaret smiled showing much excitement. Elizabeth nodded unwarily, she turn to look at Richard who didn't want to acknowledge her. "Doesn't she look lovely, Richard?" Margaret asked showing a smile looking between her father and her brother.

"Richard," his father stated. She watched as Richard turn to look at her and smiled for long second then turn his head.

"He's bit shy," Margaret spoke. Castor began to smiled talking with her parents. "Perhaps, Elizabeth here can give Richard a tour." Her mother suggested. That's when she began to froze taking a look at Richard who seem puzzled by this.

They began walking outside near the gardens. It was silence. "I hope my silence doesn't frighten you, Elizabeth."

Elizabeth shook her head. "No. It hasn't."

Richard chuckles as they began walking. "Have you come to like your stay here?" Elizabeth reply. Richard smiles looking far ahead. They both listen to soft fresh breeze in the near distance. "It's beautiful place, I'm sure it's lovely here."

They both began to walked when she decided to stop for a moment. "I need some rest." She spoke walking to the edge and laying herself on the tree.

That's when Richard smirked running behind her. He came out with apple, and sat beside her. Elizabeth was stun. She took the Apple when he handed it to her.

"It's fresh, I think so." He smirked. Together they smiled without any doubt.

"I supposed your meeting here is not out of visiting." Elizabeth took a bite out of her apple. Richard gave her short look till he sighed.

"Your right, Elizabeth. It's purely out of duty. My sister has grown fond of your brother Anthony apparently not to fond of him." Elizabeth couldn't believe it. The whole point of her stay in her household was that Anthony was to marry Margaret. They had hoped her stay will grow to have feelings for Anthony. After all, Anthony has loved Margaret since the  moment they locked eyes in her manor. It was the time of Isabella turning new age, she remembers how enchanted he was when they arrived home. How he forgotten about Isabelle love and has grown fond of the eldest girl.

"Has she not grown fond of my brother? Why hasn't she?" She stopped taking a bite of her apple and took a look at him.

Richard didn't know what to say. "Love truly is unacceptable to many people. My sister is very complicated. She's my father special prize, destined for far greater than anyone else could imagined." Elizabeth couldn't help to understand. Her father keeps her as his prized and beautiful eldest girl.

"I supposed a father greatest treasure is their eldest daughter." She reply taking another bite of her apple. Richard smirked. "Is that so?"

Elizabeth nodded. Richard smiles. "If I ever have a daughter, I would like for her to be named Elizabeth." Elizabeth looked at him twice.

"Why?" She stutters, unable to move. Richard smirked looking at her. "After the most beautiful girl, I ever met." As soon as she heard those words, she immediately blushed and couldn't look at him anymore. He certainly had his ways with words. "Richard, you don't mean that."

Elizabeth smiled unaware how enchanted Richard has become being next to her.

"Shall we head back?" Elizabeth asked blushing. Richard nodded eagerly, he got up first and held his hand out for her. Elizabeth slowly took it. They both held each other in that moment they both didn't know, they'll soon be husband and wife. At what cost?

It's been three days since the departure of Margaret and her family. She has roam the halls these last days. "Elizabeth!"

She looked to the side and saw her mother calling for her. "Yes, mother," she replied shortly.

Slowly, she looked the side. "My beautiful girl. Have you gotten a word from Richard again?" That's when she looked puzzled every since Richard had left, they exchange letters.

"He hasn't today." She reply truthfully.

Immediately they began walking. "What's wrong mother?"

"If the rumors are truth, it's been stated and roam around that Richard Grey has been courting the king sister." In that case, Elizabeth whole world crashed down.

"It's impossible, mother." She said shaking. How could Richard gained feelings for another. That fast.

"What now?"

Jacquette stared at her daughter unable to say anything. "Elizabeth have you denied him?"

"No, mother. He's been quite gentlemen." With that her mother looked at her for the longest second. She truly loved her mother. "You must make known around that you and Richard are exchanging letters. That you are the one he's courting not the kings sister." Elizabeth stared at her mother. How could she led everyone believe that Richard is courting her. Has Richard not liked her? Has Richard played her?

"If this all goes well, we might have wedding this upcoming fortnight." Her mother smiled at her, holding her close. "Who wouldn't want to marry you. Look at you, Elizabeth. Your consider the most beautiful. A true beauty." They began walking nears the ends halls. How could she grab Richard attention?

Author Note

Well, isn't Elizabeth being put to work to grab Richard attention. Next chapter is back to Margaret. Trust me it seems like Margaret has her own drama. *lol*

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