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Margaret had a feeling of anger throughout the day thinking how could Lord Warwick suggest that to her father. The next day, she had found herself accompanied by her mother. They had made through the large gardens. "How could Lord Warwick suggest that?" She complained. Her mother frowned. "I don't think it's his idea. Edward is behind this."

Margaret frowned. "If Edward thinks if the only way of getting me is by making sure my father sells me like cattle. He lost his mind." They kept walking as the fresh breeze flew into them. Edward had found himself in utter desperation if he went this low just to secure her position at court.

"He wants me as his mistress, mother," she warned her mother. Her mother raised her eyebrows. "He won't get you. Your father had declared already to Edward, he won't sell you like that. It's came to our attention, he values you too much." They kept walking. Margaret didn't understand the meaning behind it.

"How was your walk with Anthony?" Her mother suddenly asked. Margaret began to think, how could she blurt he is utterly in love with Isabelle Grey, has no interested in her. "Quite well, he's gentleman." She said warily, she smiled in delight. That's when it hit her, she couldn't possibly believe her mother is planning a marriage between him and her. "If you think, we are to wed. It's never going to happen."

Her mother frowned. "You won't stay unwed forever." Margaret rolled her eyes. She could never be wrong about that. She had hoped she was. There was no way, she was going to marry Anthony Woodville. He is and always be fond of Isabelle Grey.

"What's wrong?" Her mother asked.

"What of Father lands and title, when will they be returned." She asked. Her mother frowned," at this rate they cannot fine conclusion, lord Warwick tends to believe Isabella Grey would be perfect match for the king brother, Richard of York."

Isabella was merely a girl, she is child with no use of tensions in the world. "She's a child, mother."

"A child that would marry into the royal family. Imagined that, she would closer to the crown. Lord Warwick agrees the best choice, as gratitude. It would've be the best idea, but for perfect sweet isabella." Margaret frowned. How could her mother agree to that? Isabella is child, she cannot be thrown into a mixture of wolves.

"We must stay any longer, rain is pouring against us mother." With that they began to roam, when literally a whole point came crashing down to the course without no say, no words to say any longer to her mother.

When they arrived back to the castle, villa. She sprinted to her room feeling hurt and confused. Has Edward truly asked for her coming forward. Will she marry anyone? How can she decided.

"Margaret," she turn to the side. Isabella looked at warily. "Are you alright?" She asked concerned.

"Enough! Leave me be, Isabella." Tears rolled down her cheeks. "If you really love Edward. He loves you." That's when she looked up stares at her. "What happen?"

"That night, when you denied Edward he came to me. He asked for night with me. I was ready to give my virtue to him," Margaret looked horrified as her sister began to speak. "Once he kissed me, he stop. He whispered the words, he can't but I knew why he didn't. He left me no clothes on and left, he loves you." Margaret couldn't believed it Edward was willing to sleep with her younger sister. Margaret quickly went towards her pulling her for a hug.

"Don't you ever do that again!" They leaned each other for a hug. Margaret began to cried as both sisters whimpered. What has a man done to come between."

Slowly, days passed by, she gotten closer to Anthony Woodville. They were in small cottage Anthony had purchase. "Have you truly brought this cottage for a girl." She seductively said, smirking. Anthony smiled slowly walking towards her. "I really this girl comes to cherish this cottage as much as I cherish her," Margaret smiled giggled, looking adoringly at him.

She began to looked through the gardens through the same open view, when Anthony appeared beside.

"Would it be so hard to believe if I ask Isabella for her hand in marriage?" Margaret turn to look at him. "Isabella is strange girl, I'm sure you don't tried some else will." She sprinted him a smile. He smirked. "What about you?"

"What about me?" She inquired. Anthony smirks. "Who will you marry?"

"That's a question even I don't know who to say." That's when they began walking through the gardens in pure silence. "What of the Hastings boy." Margaret laughs. "He's quite arse."

They blurt of laughing. "What about summer?" Margaret laughed more. "The asshole to beam his touché to the well, no please." They laughed not wondering what to do.  Margaret had view Anthony as her long time friend and ally. He is nothing more than that, or will ever be.

Slowly, days has gone by. Her parents had gotten worried of the titles and lands that were not being return to her father. It was dinner when the whole family were at table.
"Is it hard to believe that Edward won't return the lands that belong to father to us at once, Margaret fault." Isabella whined. Margaret gasped, how could her sister say that. "Isabella!" She complaints.

"Enough!" Castor spoke. "It's bad enough that we are stuck with no payment. It's best we leave it be."

"Father, we cannot." Her brother Richard stood up. "Enough. We cannot do anything. We're not allow to make demands to Edward. We're not part of the royal family." Slowly, she looked to the side, she could see her mother warily face.

"What is mother?" She asked.

Her mother gasp. "Nothing, children go on and eat."

Castor raised her his eyebrows. "What have you done?" Slowly she looked to the and her eyes landed on Margaret. "I made an agreement with Edward. His mother is Neville, my second cousin. Edward has agree the girls can be come to court, Isabella and Margaret are welcome to court and to serve as ladies in waiting for his sisters."

"No!" Margaret stood up. "I won't become a lady in waiting, being anywhere near Edward."

"Sister," Richard whispered staring at her warily. Margaret purse her lips. "There's nothing Edward would do that will make him come closer to me. He's a boy king who doesn't deserve the crown. He doesn't deserve anyone love nor mine," she whimpered, she turn to face her younger sister. "You can have him, after all, you want him, first, had gotten your first bless kiss with him."

As soon as she made those remarks, gasps can be heard. She roll her eyes and began walking to her rooms. She will never marry Edward. How wrong was she?

Yes she is quite a speaker. Margaret will not give into Edward that easy. She is woman of class and wealthy. Well, next chapter we will see more of her and Anthony, will become close, and perhaps closer 😉 Edward will be mention a lot more from here, we'll see Elizabeth soon. And don't worry, Elizabeth will find her love with no other than a Grey. *coughs*

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