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When weeks has passed, she denounce the invitation the King has provided for her family to arrived upon court, she was staying with the Woodville's now this family was mere differently than hers. All daughters more than enough and few sons. "Are you alright?" Anthony asked staring at her gasps regarding the dinner table.

"Quite large family," she mutters awkwardly. Anthony smirks grabbing her hand. "Your family practically, you must meet my mother and my dear sister, Elizabeth." Slowly they made their way towards the main halls, when they heard laugher.

"Oh please, mother," a voice spoke. "Mother!" Anthony pulled her along with such happiness. She was paused when staring upon a tall woman, with the longest blonde hair, and girl beside her. She was indeed beautiful with such golden locks and blue eyes, she was quite a beauty. "Margaret meet my mother, Jacquette and my sister, Elizabeth."

That's when her eyes fell on them. Elizabeth simply smiled with such happiness. Her mother beams happily. "You must be the infamous Margaret Grey, Anthony wouldn't stop talking about." She pulled her into a hug not considering her feelings. She truly didn't want to hug her. She turn to Anthony quite impressed, saw Elizabeth smile middleweight eagerly.

After dinner, she took stroll around the gardens. She was beside Elizabeth. "I want you to know, I've come in peace and wish nothing more than to respect your kindness and soothing nature, Elizabeth."

Elizabeth nods. "Yes quite well." They walked around. "Is it true then? King Edward has decided to grant the titles and lands to your father then." Elizabeth muttered.

Margaret didn't know what to say, in truth they don't know for sure. "In the matters of months, quite yes." Elizabeth couldn't hear to listen any longer. "I only want to grant those titles and lands for my boys. They need it."

Margaret frowned. "In the matter of ways, perhaps I proposed an idea." Elizabeth looked up at her, curious.

"You should marry my dear brother. Richard is younger than you, once my father receives those titles and lands it shall be granted to my younger brother." With that she smiles Elizabeth.

"Perhaps your right, I shall take this with mother then, I'm afraid having no titles and lands belong to my boys are quite nor a accomplishment."

"I can't say for any matter. My family are in court now, and perhaps getting the ideas and permission to be granted the titles and lands. It's matters of days, for all we know, my father is lord of the grey estate." Margaret countered back. Elizabeth couldn't bear to listen. "We must head back. It's getting late." Margaret nodded walking along with her. She knew Elizabeth wouldn't go down without a fight.

She was in her room and she had been brought in a letter. A strange letter addressed from the kingdom.

Dearest, Margaret

I shall grant your titles and lands to your father as it's unfair to treat your family likes this, for your choice of denying me. However, I have you know, I've have given permission for Isabella Grey to become lady in waiting for my sister Margaret. She's quite a lady. I do offer my apologies. I never did anything with your sister nor plan too. It was all a mistake, forgive me. Some say she's to marry Richard in few months. Lord Warwick is quite intrigued with the idea after all your mother is Warwick cousin. They have been closer than ever and it's oddly choice. I do miss you and your smile. I ask of your to return to the kingdom. If you don't return, I'll shall come to you. Meet me in the old chapel near the Raisa Woods, it's the old one where we used to have our endless plays and adventures, when we were children. I don't want to harm you or any matter, but if you truly love me like you said, come to my little dove.

    Sincerely Your KING Edward

She threw the parchment onto the floor. How could she do this? How could she let Edward stroll into her mind. She's so stupid. She began to make her way down the halls unsure to meet him. The letter arrived today, he must be close. What is he doing here around? How could she possibly believe the home of Anthony to meet another man.

"What's wrong?" A woman asked. She turn to find Elizabeth there. "Oh nothing. I'm quite vanished, perhaps some food would fill me." She smiled fondly upon her. Margaret nods showing some fake smiles.

"Oh quite you quite  sure? Their some leftovers down in the main-" that's when she quickly nods her head. "Don't need to come. I'll shall find them." She sprinted leaving Elizabeth there alone in the halls. She was entirely stupid to go out there alone. The place she asked for wasn't far. She held onto herself and decided she shall make the trip, she has to meet Edward before it's too late.

"Where are you going?" A voice spoke. She turn her head to find Kate Woodville there beside her. "Kate, don't tell anyone. I'm to meet the king." Kate leaned back unsure. "You shouldn't go alone. Perhaps I'll wake my brother to accompany us."

"No!" She stated.

Kate smirks. "Not Anthony. Lionel. He rarely goes out."

This made her unsure when she return back with small person behind her. "Lionel meet Margaret."

Margaret greeted fondly upon seeing the youngest boy. "Why must we travel with a young boy?"

The young boy smirks. "I'm merely old enough to know where we go. I know this place by heart."

" how would you know where I wish to travel?" She raise raised eyebrows. He smiled. "Old chapel, I presume?"

Margaret gasps. "Edward is no fool. He's planning to ask you to marry him." Margaret frowned. "I'm not going."

"You must. He requested for you," Kate spoke softly. Margaret couldn't believed Edward thought he could win by promising her marriage.  He is wrong and certainly very wrong about this. "If he really wants me he'll shall come to me, then. I heard stories of how he lured ladies to marriage only to sleep with them. I'll shall not be one of those ladies. Edward will have to work a lot harder than that." She spoke confidently, as she stared upon their eyes. She couldn't marry Edward. She can't become queen. It's not the job she was destined for her. The universe has already decided her fate since the beginning.


Well here u go! Edward is mad duck. She's not going down easy. Their will be wedding upcoming chapter. It's not who you think. 😏😉

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