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It's been a full month, no word from Edward. She rejected him countless times, she had come to terms that he doesn't want her anymore. He had given up. A typical man would. Edward is no man. He's king.

She watched from the distance when her younger sister who was being dressed in all sorts of jewels. "This would be perfect for Richard wedding." Margaret looked up.

"You do realized that's he's marrying Isabella Neville, practically second cousins they are." She mentioned. Isabella turn at her. "Your just mad that Richard is marrying first, not you." Margaret got annoyed and stood up from her bed.

"I'm not mad. I'm simply looking out for your opinions. God knows how terrible u can be. A spoiled brat." Margaret yelled at her causing Isabelle eyes to turn watery. "Margaret, please," she began to whimper.

Margaret couldn't handle her mother coming in, she left the room. There was no way, she stay being scowled again. She looked to find herself out taking deep breaths, she couldn't handle the pressure anymore

Every since it was announced that the only way the lands and titles will be given to her family is of Richard marrying Isabella Neville. A marriage made in heaven. Lord Warwick adores Richard and had liked him even to the point he wanted him as his son-in law. She began to take deep breaths thinking about life. When she turn to the side to watch Richard watching the sunset.


Richard turn to look at her, giving her a smile. "I see your not having a fun time days before my wedding," he spoke slowly.

"Richard it's your day. Your marrying Lord Warwick beautiful daughter. It's a special day for the family." Richard found himself in deep thoughts.

"Weeks before, I fell for Elizabeth." That's when her thoughts wonder. "Elizabeth? Edward sister? The one you were courting."

"No. Elizabeth Grey. She's beautiful." That's when her eye lit up. "Of course, her mother tried to make known that you and her were courting but her influence was no match for father."

"Is it true then? You really love her?" That's when they stared for long second at the sunset.

"I'm in love with a woman, I can't have." He replied. "Elizabeth is my one true love, I can't marry her. It's impossible for me to understand."

Margaret didn't know what to say. "Elizabeth is older than you. She has children. She can't give you anymore."

Richard turn to look at her. "Of course she can, I will ask her to marry me."

That's when her heart paused. "You can't." She grabbed him. He looked at her warily. "You said yourself a match between Elizabeth and I will certainly changed our lives." Margaret couldn't understand it any longer.

"Your giving up what father worked so hard for for love?"

Richard nodded. "I love Elizabeth."

Margaret couldn't understand. She slapped him at that moment. "Father worked so hard to get this out. A match made in heaven. Imagine poor Isabelle knowing that you broke it off for a grey." That's when she looked at him warily.

"You shouldn't give it up for a girl you barely know, Richard."

Richard looked at her feeling remorse holding his left cheek, hurt by his sister slapping. "You slapping me just makes me think your lost on your own. Don't you think it's time now? You confess to Edward your feelings?"

Margaret looked at him disgusted. "How can you say that?"

"Edward had always proclaim his love for you. You know it in your heart. You love him. It's always been him. For him, it's always been you."

Margaret couldn't understand. "That trip we took the the kingdom. Father proposed marriage between Isabelle and Edward. Edward denied and instead proposed marriage between you and him. Father decline saying your his prized and jewel. We realized your far more worth than we ever imagined."

"What did father do?" She questioned getting closer to him, ready to slap him. "We proposed a double marriage. If Edward claims you as his wife, he'll reward father with riches. A wedding of the century."

"What did father do?" She began to cried. "You'll will marry Edward when he's wins the battle that's upcoming. It's arranged already."

Margaret eyes began to tear up. "If you dare tell father that I know of this. I'll make sure you'll never marry Elizabeth."

Richard grabbed her before she left. "Wait. I'll help you get out of this arranged marriage with Edward. If you help me."

Margaret looked at him unaware. "Let me marry Elizabeth in secret. You must help me escape this. I have to see her and tell her, I love her."

Margaret couldn't believed it. "You know, I can't."

"A wedding will happen, Margaret but not with Isabelle Neville. It will be with Elizabeth Grey. I'll marry her, just help me. Help me with this plan. I'll help you flee this country to the Scottish or France. You won't marry Edward. I promise you."

At that moment, Margaret didn't understand what she was about to. On one hand she could shake his hand and accept fleeing this country and lived somewhere peacefully. Or she could run back warn her parents of Richard mistake. Her parents betrayed her by her signing her away. She's arranged already.

"You can't be serious, Richard. Elizabeth is old wag, she's with children. She's indeed beautiful but she can never give you the support and status you need and we the family can never accept her as part of the family." Margaret began to walk away.

"You promise Edward you'll always be with him. Didn't you?" She turned around to face him. "I remember that day, I was young kid and I was following you around sister when Edward found you, I always wanted you guys to end up together, that day you promised him you'll always side with him. He loved you then, i saw his eyes, with my own part of eyes. Margaret he loves you. That's the way I feel about Elizabeth. Help me, sister."

Author NoTE:

Well, Isabelle loves Richard loves Elizabeth, who loves Richard. Anthony, loves Isabella & Margaret loves Edward who loves Margaret. This whole love triangle is messy! Anyway! We'll see who gets their happy ending.

I have part 2 ready, I'm gonna wait another two months to update 😈 unless . . .

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