Chapter Twenty Eight

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The nearest window is slightly open. I can hear the soft blow of the wind outside and the soft footsteps of passing by animals. Their lives are so innocent, so simple. Never do they have to worry about protecting a loved one from another family member. They are all a family that shares trust and mutual respect.
Sometimes I wish humans were more like animals.
I see Castle standing close to the window, drowned into the scenery and sounds as if he'll never see them again.
Perhaps he won't.
I can't guarantee that he will.
"Alright," says Kent. "I think this is enough waiting. We need to get started."
We all nod in agreement.
I feel the wind hit me from behind, cooling every sweaty body part of mine. I feel shivers run up and down my spine. I don't know if I'm excited or scared. Maybe both. Maybe I'm excited to get Juliette back, but scared to lose anyone else in the process.
"Warner!" snaps Kent.
I snap out of my gaze and stare at him.
"Everyone's in position. Are you ready to go?" he asks.
I nod my head and look around at the group that's going in.
Kenji, Castle, Kent and I are ready to go in while Brendan, Winston, Ian, Alia and Lily stand outside with the girls incase we need extra fighters. James is locked away in his room. We all boarded the door several times to make sure that nobody gets in and nobody gets out.
"Alright then," I say as I look around the room. "Does everyone remember the plan?"
Everyone slowly nods.
"Okay." I take a deep breath in.
"Here we go."


We walk in.
Juliette is sitting in one of the corners of the room, her legs spread in front of her and her palms are resting on her thighs. Her hair is still a mess and her face is still white as paper. Her eyes are still red, but she's still the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.
"Hey Juliette!" says Kent.
She snaps out of her gaze and looks at the four of us.
"You really need to go," she says to us. "Let me die. You know that there's no saving me without one of you..."
She takes a deep breath and swallows.
"Just leave," she says.
We all stare at each other. Kenji nods at me, and I know it's time for me to start the plan.
"Love, can you come over here for a second?" I ask her.
She looks shocked, then she nods and stands up. She walks towards me until she is just about a foot away from me.
I can hear Castle shifting beside me, slowly making his way behind me to begin his plan.
"Well?" asks Juliette.
And at that moment, Castle lunges. His hair flies in the air as he attacks Juliette to the floor. She's clawing at him, digging her fingernails in his face and his back and wherever she can find any skin. I can hear her screams in her throat and Castles heaving breathing.
Kent positions himself in the corner of a room, away from everything just in case we need some sort of back up.
Kenji and I stand on either side of them, our guns ready to destroy the necklace when it comes flying towards us.
Blood begins to drop around Castle and Juliette. Kenji and I stare at each other and wonder whether or not we should get involved.
I see the glimmer of silver in Castles palm. I signal to Kenji to get ready.
The silver gleam of the necklace goes flying towards Kenji. He jumps back as the necklace lands right in front of his feet. He grins and aims his gun towards the floor
And shoots
But doesn't hit anything.
"What?" says Kenji, obviously confused. "I didn't miss that. I hit the exact spot. Where'd it go?"
Kenji looks up at me. I look back at him.
"AARON!" screams Juliette.
I break my gaze with Kenji and look towards Juliette.
Her face looks more human. Her pigment is there.
My eyes travel down her neck, and the silver around her throat that I had gotten so used to is no longer there.
The necklace is gone. Delalieu is no longer in control of her.
"Warner," whispers Kent from the corner of the room. "If she doesn't have the necklace, and Kenji didn't destroy it, where is it?"
A strange gurgle fills the room, followed by a bang.
I look beside Juliette to see that Castle is on his knees.
"CASTLE!" screams Kenji as he runs towards his side.
I look down to see that the silver necklace that had just been taken off of Juliette now hangs over the neck of Castle.
Oh My God.
"Kenji," I demand. "Kenji call for the girls and have them take Juliette away."
"No!" screams Juliette. "Im staying here to fight."
"Kenji," I repeat.
"But what about Castle?" he asks with a sense of desperation in his voice.
"Kenji!" demands Kent. "Now!"
Kenji yells for the girls and they come in and forcefully take Juliette.
I feel the strangest power circling the room. It feels distant but familiar.
I don't have any time to warn the others.
"Greetings," says Delalieu, who stands in the doorway with a giant grin on his face.


They say that it's impossible to freeze time; that it's not possible to live in a moment for more than the moment has to offer.
They lied.
Time literally froze when Delaleiu walked in.
He's been observing us for minutes now, but it feels like an eternity.
"I don't lose," he hisses.
"Well, you better start getting used to it," spits Kent.
"Easy," I whisper at him.
Delalieu walks over to Castle. I can see Kenji stiffen beside Castle.
"He's mine now. I thought you knew the rules," he mocks.
"When the object comes in possession of another, he controls them," whispers Castle.
"NO!" screams Kenji.
"Well, now that you know that you can't defeat me," hisses Delalieu. He turns to Castle. "Punch him in the face."
"What?" replies Castle, shocked.
Delalieu eyes Kenji.
"Punch him in the face," he repeats.
A look of horror spreads over Castles face as his fist collides with Kenji's face. Kenji stumbles backwards, clutching his nose.
"I'm so sorry," he whispers to Kenji.
"Oh there's nothing to be sorry for!" mocks Delalieu.
Delalieu turns to me. Then turns back to Castle. Then turns to me again.
"Kill him," orders Delalieu.
I blink for a second too long.
Kenji's jaw drops open.
Kent is shaking.
"KILL HIM!" repeats Delalieu.
"What!?" demands Castle.
"You heard me the first time," spits Delalieu. "Now kill him."


"Drop your guns. All of you," demands Delalieu.
I drop my gun and see Kent do the same. He doesn't notice that Kenji keeps his small gun clenched in his hand as he drops his larger one.
Delalieu picks a gun up and shoves it into Castles arms.
"Go ahead," he urges with a giant grin on his face.
Castle lunges at me, almost knocking me to the ground, but he stops an inch in front of me.
He looks at me dead in the eye.
"I promised you. I intend to keep it."
He turns around and faces Kenji.
"Kill me."
Kenji swallows so hard and breathes so deep.
"Kill me and he goes down with me. It's the only way. The necklace will never leave anybody. Not today, not tomorrow, not ever. You have to kill me so that he dies with me," pleads Castle.
"Shut up!" screams Delalieu. "Do as I say. You can't fight my power!"
"Actually, he can," says Kent from the back of the room in a half whisper. "If there's one thing more powerful than the strongest power in the world, it's sacrifice."
"Kill me!" urges Castle. "Please Kenji! Do it!"
Kenji stands frozen.
"Now Kenji! Do it!" pleads Castle.
"He can't do it," laughs Delalieu. "Now go do as I say."
Kenji raises his gun.
Delalieus eyes are the size of the world.
Kenji looks away as his hands wrap around the trigger. I can see tears streaming down his face.
The first time I've seen Kenji cry.
"I love you," whispers Castle.
He closes his eyes as Kenji pulls the trigger.

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