Chapter Four

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We all look at each other for a moment before we start running.
My heart is beating so fast I think it might pop out.
We open the door to find Juliette laying in the exact same position, except this time she's in a pool of blood that left a deep, red stain on the white sheets. I scramble towards her and feel her pulse.
My heart sinks.
It's so slow.
Sarah and Sonya come towards the bed and ask me to place a hand on each of their backs so I can transfer a little bit of my power to them. They begin to work on her. They started with wrapping the re-opened wound on her head.
By the time they're done, Juliette's pulse is back to normal.
"Warner. This is getting out of hand," says Sarah. She bites her lip. "I think it's time to get him."
"You can't mean that," I reply.
"I'm afraid I do. There's nobody else better at classifying gifts than him," she replies.
I shift in my position.
"Alright guys. Let's go. It's time to get him."


Castle was still quite heartbroken over what happened at Omega Point. We allowed him to grieve, thinking it would only be for a month or two, but he stayed in him room for a whole year. The only time we ever heard him move in his room was to eat or go to the bathroom.
He didn't fight with us. I think he would if we asked him to, but we didn't want to push him. All we did was tell him to keep a gun with him at all times and stay alert when he hears the sirens go off. It was just a little security warning. I doubt anyone will find his room without knowing the building inside and out.
We arrive in front of his door and I advance my hand to knock, but a hand on my shoulder stops me.
"I'll knock," says Kenji. "I don't think he wants to talk to anyone else. No offence."
I nod at him.
"Just make sure you tell him everything that's happened. Tell him it's an emergency. Juliette's life is on the line," I tell him.
He nods and advances to knock on the door.
Three times.
The door opens.


"Kenji be careful"
"Kenji do you need backup?"
"Here take my gun"
We were all worried. Who knew what happened to Castle in the past year. What if he suddenly become a murderous lunatic?
Kenji cracked his knuckles and stared at all of us.
"Guys," demanded Kenji. "Castle will never hurt me."
"He's right," said Castle, appearing at the door.
He looked awful.
His hair was a mess. I don't think he brushed it in the past year. His clothes were ripped almost everywhere. His knuckles were cut and bloody.
"Castle," says Kenji. "You look terrible."
"I only want to see one of you. I'm afraid I might kill someone if there's a crowd in my room right now," says Castle.
Kenji turns around, gives us all a small nod, and walks in.
The door closes behind him.


"It's been half an hour. Shouldn't someone check on Kenji? What if castle went crazy and killed him?" exclaims Sonya.
I know she's right, but Kenji can protect himself pretty well.
"We wait ten more minutes. If he doesn't show up, we're going in," I reply.
I guess that means everyone agrees.
We wait for 10 minutes.
Kenji doesn't come out.
It's time to take action.
"Grab your weapons. We're going in."


It takes three attempts to bust the door open. It crashes to the floor.
I am so confused.
Kenji and Castle are both standing on the other end of the door, aiming their guns at us.
"What the hell?" says James.


"Holy. Okay. It's okay Castle," says Kenji.
Castle glares at the door that lies on the ground.
"I think I'm going to need a replacement," he says, gesturing at the door.
"The hell are you doing in there!? It's been forty minutes!" I spit at Kenji.
He meets my gaze.
"It's been a year. A lot of catching up to do," replies Kenji.
"Well we're sorry to interrupt your reunion, but we're kind of in an emergency right now," says Sarah.
"Very well," replies Castle. "I can help. I can watch Juliette. I can sense when people with gifts are near. I can sense all your powers right now. Except Adam. Where is he?" asks Castle while glancing around the room.
That's when I look around and see that Kent isn't with our group.
That's when Delaieu, one of my workers, comes running to me.
"Warner, sir. Mr. Kent is unconscious. It seems as if someone had attempted to attack Ms. Ferrars again, but Mr. Kent has gotten affected instead."
"Castle, we need you to start. Now."


We all walk toward my room and find Kent unconscious a few steps away from my room.
"There is strange power here," says Castle.
Sarah and Sonya revive Kent, and he opens his eyes. He gasps for air.
"Kent. Why weren't you with us!?" I demand.
"I was coming to your room," he pauses. "To see," he stops again to breathe. "To see if you had already left."
"Who attacked you?" asks Castle.
"I.......I don't know," he replies.
He begins to cough like a lunatic and blood spills out of his mouth.
"Well get up and go to your room and try to remember something," Kenji says.
"And get some rest," I add.
He is my brother. I guess I'm obliged to say things like that.
Sonya helps Kent to his feet and James walks with him to his room.
I walk in the other direction towards my room.


I open the door and glance at Juliette.
There's no blood or cuts this time. I walk towards her and feel her pulse. It's normal.
I hear footsteps behind me.
I reach for my gun.
"Relax Warner," says Castle.
I put my gun away.
"I've felt power like this present before. I've felt it at Omega Point. I just don't remember who owned it. I'll stay with her and watch her. I can feel when anyone with any sort of power enters. I can keep her safe," he explains.
I nod. I lean over and kiss Juliette on the forehead.
"Wake up soon, love," I whisper.
Just as I'm about to walk out, I see a paper beside her that wasn't there before.
"Hey Castle," I look towards him. "Is this yours?" I ask, pointing towards the paper
"Nope," he replies.
I take the paper and flip it over. There's handwriting scribbled on it that I don't recognize


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