Cuddles and Confessions ~ Marichat

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"Princesss, let your knight inn!" Chat knocked on Marinette's trap door repeatedly.

Marinette opened the door and groaned, "Chattt, you may be my friend, but you only have to knock once."

He rubbed the back of his neck, "I was just excited to see you!" He said trying to hide the disappointment of only being a friend.

"Uh huh. You came here yesterday, I don't think you'd be that excited to see me." Chat shook his head.

"Can I come in?" Marinette nodded.

"So, what do you wanna do. I have no homework, sooooooo we can actually do something fun!"

Chat put his finger or claw on his chin acting like he was thinking when he already had a idea.

Chat then jumped on Marinette which made them fall on her bed and he held onto her waist. "Chattt! One of us could've gotten hurt. Please don't do that."

Chat nodded into her chest and smiled, "Cuddle." Marinette looked at him confused.

"Y-you want to cu-cuddle with we I mean me?!" Marinette asked and Chat hugged her harder.

"Yeah, I want cuddles. I wanna be little spoon though." Marinette laughed. She didn't expect Chat to know about those sort of things.

"Okay. . . Why do you wanna cuddle with me though? Don't you like Ladybug? Shouldn't you save your cuddles for her?"

Marinette didn't mind having to cuddle her partner, not that he knew, but she was confused on why. Chat always liked Ladybug which was her alter ego, but it made no sense to her. Why would Chat wanna cuddle with her if he liked Ladybug? There was no way Chat liked her. Or so she thought. . .

"Smh, I don't like her anymore and I wanna cuddle with you because I want to." Marinette sighed.

"What a great answer of why you wanna cuddle with me." She said sarcastically.

Chat chuckled, "I know, now hush and cuddle me."

'Wow, very demanding with his cuddles, huh' Marinette thought.

She put her arms around his waist and sat up while Chat was in her arms. She never thought this would happen and even if it did she thought Chat would wanna cuddle her not the opposite way around.

She was wondering how long Chat wanted to cuddle with her. She wanted to maybe play some video games with Chat and eat some snacks. It was 6:00 when he visted which was earlier then usual, but it was a Saturday.

Unlike her, Chat wanted to cuddle with her for the rest of the night. Though he knew there was a small possibility that could happen.

Chat felt his eyes get droopy even though it was still early. Probably around 6:30.

"Princess. . . Can I sleep on your lap?" Chat asked.

Marinette blushed, "W-why would you wann-wanna do that?! W-why would I wan-wanna do that?!" She was entirely screaming in her mind.

"Because you loveeeee me and I'm tired! Pleaseeeee!" Chat begged.

Marinette didn't wanna give in. She knew that if this happened she would sure have a crush on the Cat.

"N-no!" Chat then moved his head to look into her eyes. He then gave her puppy eyes or more like kitty eyes because he was a cat.

Chat hardly used those eyes, but when he did he could always get what he wanted from the pigtail girl.

Marinette tried looking away, but failed tremendously. "Pleaseeeee!" Chat wined again.

"Fine." Marinette groaned and Chat smiled. "Thank you, princess." He then changed his position and layed his head on Marinette's lap.

"A-also, t-this doe-doesn't mean I l-lo-lov-love yo-you!!" Marinette spat. Chat's ears went down which she didn't see often.

"Please love me!" Chat opened his eyes and used his kitty eyes for the second time in the day.

"W-why? We're j-just fri-friends r-ri-right?!" Chat got off her lap and sighed.

"That's the problem. . . We're only friends. Marinette. . . I-I like you. No, I love you. . . I have for a while now. Ever sense I lost feelings for Ladybug, I saw you in a brighter light. Well you made me lose my feelings for Ladybug. I'll always care for her, but she lost her chance, and now I wanna give you one.

Marinette you're an amazing girl. Talented, beautiful, inspiring, magnificent, kind, I could go on and on. Can we maybe, you know. . . Start a relationship?"

Marinette mind had stopped working at that moment. She was a blushing mess and wanted to say something, but couldn't.

Chat looked at her nervously, now thinking that she had been weirded out. "I'm sorry, I should probably go. . . See yeah-" Marinette grabbed Chat's hand as he got up.

"N-no! I'm n-not! Just uh murprised I mean surprised! I j-just got I mean thought y-you ed said that so you could muddle I mean cuddle me!"

Chat chuckled. He was blushing a lot himself, "W-well, not necessarily. . . I kinda thought I gave it off that I loved you."

"Heh, well, mayyybeeeee, I k-ki-kinda l-like y-ou?!" Her voice went higher as she talked and she covered her face with her hands.

"What about the other boy?" Chat asked and removed her hands from her face.

Marinette sighed, "I don't know. . . I do like you, but I still like him still. But maybe if I date you, he can get out of my mind. . ."

"W-well, if you think that. . . I don't want you to leave me though, if he likes you. . ." Marinette shook her head no.

"Now that would just be wrong." She flicked his bell. "So uh, u-uh, a-are we, or um?" Chat put his finger on her lip.

"We can be dating, if you'd like! Your choice if you wanna be a couple!" Chat didn't want to sound forceful, he wanted to be a gentleman.

"S-sure! I don't mind!" Marinette was still a blushing mess.

Chat smiled before leaning back onto Marinette's lap.

"Well, I am going to take a nap now. I'm still pretty tired. Night princess."

Her eyes widened as Chat could do something like that so quickly, yet she didn't care at the moment.

She wanted to make sure her cat got a good sleep and that she'd totally fall out of love with Adrien.

She started to run her fingers though his silky, fluffy, soft hair and heard some rumbling sounds.

'Did he just. . . PURR?!'

Marinette was shocked of this, but now that she had remembered, Chat could purr.

She smiled at it, hoping it was a sign that he was comfortable. Marinette wasn't going to lie that she found Chat purring relaxing.

'Maybe falling out of love with Adrien will be easier then I thought. . .'
Okay so- Do you think cuddling with friends should be normalized? I know it might be strange, but I do. Anyways I hope you will have a good day/night. Byeeeeeeee.

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