Always ( 1 )

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      Somehow I knew it he loved her and  not me. That's why I left after what I just witnessed I knew he never cared. I was just a stupid distraction.

5 years ago

I was driving to my boyfriend Damon's house.  I haven't seen him all week and it killed me. I open the door to the house and walk up stairs to his room. I open the door and walked in to see Elena. She was in her matching red underwear and bra. I was shocked her eyes widened but before she could speak Damon came out of the bathroom all wet and naked. "Ready for round 6?" He said I laughed out of shock. " y/n?" He asks "Makes sense on why I haven't seen you all week." I said and walked out of the room I felt him try to grab my arm but I yanked it back and kept walking. How could I be this stupid of course he would cheat on me with Elena. I got into my car and left the Salvatore mansion.


Leaving mystic falls was a good choice I needed to start living my life, and that's what I did. I'm in my senior year of college and learning to become doctor. As I walked out of class my phone began to ring. It was Caroline I smiled. "Hey Care! " I smiled. "y/n you need to come home." She said "Caroline." I warned "Damn it y/n, please just come home." She said "Caroline it's the middle of senior year, I am busy with tests picking what med school I need to go to." I said "Well I'm not taking no for a answer." She said but it was over the phone it was behind me. I turned around and saw her and Stefan. "Oh my gosh." I said and ran up and hugged her than Stefan. "What are you guys doing here?" I asked "We missed you." Stefan said I smiled"I missed you too." I said I see Caroline look down at my hand "You're married?" She asks "Actually I'm engaged." I smiled "y/n?" I turned around and saw my fiancé Liam. "Hey babe." I smiled and kissed him I felt his hands on my waist pulling Me closer. "Y/n?" Caroline asked "Sorry, Liam this is Stefan and Caroline my best friends." I said "It's nice to meet you, y/n has told me so much about you." He said Caroline smiled "it's nice to meet you too." Caroline said I looked at Stefan he seemed happy but sad at the same time. "Well I got to go to class see you later babe." He said and kissed my check then left. "So you have a fiancé?" Stefan asks I nodded "Sorry I am happy for you especially after what my brother did." I froze " y/n are you okay?" He asks "Are they still together?" I asked he nodded "I'm just glad he is happy obviously I never made him happy and he cheated on me with Elena because she is everything he never had." I said he looked at me. " y/n that's not true he loved you." Stefan said I rolled my eyes "He used me Stefan, he took Elena away from you and she let him!" I yelled "Hey guys calm down." Caroline said "Sorry I'm done with classes today so we go back to my place." I said

We finally made it back to my place they were siting on the couch I was sitting across from them. "So Elena broke up with Damon because he tortured Katherine?" I asked "She also thinks he's a monster." Caroline said. "That doesn't sound like her." I said "Yeah, we need your help to find out what's wrong with her." Stefan said "Only if you want to." Caroline said "Of course since you guys are asking." I said they nodded and Caroline smiled "let's go." She said I nodded

4 hours later


I looked up at the Salvatore mansion I can't believe it's been five years since I left. "Here y/n let me get your bags." Stefan said I nodded "It's going to be okay Y/n." Caroline said I nodded and walked Into the house "Care bear I assume you heard the news." He said and turned around. "That Elena dumped your sorry ass?" I asked he looked at me shocked "Did you cheat on her too I wouldn't be surprised." I added "y/n?" He asks "She isn't acting like herself Damon." Caroline said he doesn't say anything he keeps looking at me. I rolled my she's "Hey dummy she said Elena's not herself!" I said he snapped out of his trance "She doesn't care." He said I sighed he's so dramatic "Caroline, Bonnie needs to talk to us." Stefan said she nodded "I'll be back, will you be okay?" She asks I nodded she smiled and left.

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