Break up ( 2 )

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It's been about 2 weeks since I last talk to Damon. Since I confronted him about Elena. I was still miserable I loved him so much, even thought he said it was a mistake I knew it wasn't. I was currently at work it helped distract me from thinking about him. I heard someone set down behind me. "I'll be right with you." I said finishing up cleaning the counter. "Yn?" He asks it was Damon. I turned around. My heart skipped a beat. I walked to the alcohol and made his bourbon. "One bourbon." I said and sat the bourbon down I turned around but he grabbed my arm. "yn, please." He said I sighed "Working." I said "No, I need to talk to you." He said "okay fine I'll take my break." I said he nodded I walked over to Matt "Hey Matt." I said "Hey." He smiled "I was wondering if I could take my break now." I said "Yeah of course." He smiled "Thank you." I said and walked over to Damon. "Okay let's go." I said he nodded and followed me outside. "So talk." I said "Okay, I love you so damn much, I regret what happened with Elena. I hate her for what she did. Yn I want to be with you, you're everything to mean you make me feel so happy like I am loved. I understand if you don't want to see me anymore, but please just know I will never stop loving you." He said and got up from the table and started to walk away. "Wait what do you mean by what she did, do she make you do Damon?" I asked he stopped he didn't turn around I walked up to him "What did she do?" I asked he looked at me I put my hand on his face. "Damon." I said "Remember our big fight?"he asked "Yes." I said "I drank and drank and drank, she came over I told her what happened and the she kissed me." He said "she kissed you?" I asked  he nodded "Did you kiss her back?" I asked he looked down "Damon are you freaking kidding me you expect me to feel sorry for you when this all started what 6 months ago. Look I'm sorry she did that, used you when you were drunk but that doesn't mean all the times after that night. You kept sleeping together D." I said and began to walk away but he grabs my arm and pulls me back. "Yn then show me how it feels show me how broken you felt." He said I stood there "You want me to sleep with someone else?" I asked "I want to feel the pain you are feeling I regret everything maybe I'll -." "Damon." I said He stopped and looked at me, I put my hands on his face. "I couldn't do that, I would never do that to you." I said and removed my hands. But he took them "Please." He asked I was hurt knowing how much this will hurt him if I slept with Stefan, I still love him and I don't want him to feel this pain. But the pain in his eyes the way he was looking at me I seen it before it was when Elena choose Stefan back when Katherine told him she never loved him. I looked at him and walked away upset and sad he'd even even asked me to do that.

Later that night

I was currently at the bar across town I was thinking all about how Damon wanted me to sleep with someone else. "Yn?" Stefan asked I turned around and smiled at Stefan "Heyy Stef." I smiled "Oh no yn drinking again do I sense a dance party coming?" Stefan asked I laughed "Maybe." I smiled as he sat down next to me "More rounds please!" I yelled the bartender he nodded and brought more shots over to Stefan and I.

Hours later

I was officially way too drunk and dancing with Stefan. I felt his hands on my waist. "You're so beautiful yn." He said I smiled "Thank you." I said he turned me around and leaned his head into mine. he slowly leaned in and kissed me. I kissed him back I felt him raise his hands up my wasit. The the kiss got more and more intense. "Let's take this back to the house." He said I nodded and we both walked out and he lead me to his car.

At the house

As soon as we got back to the house. Stefan rushed us both up to his room. I felt my back on the bed I looked up at Stefan and he took off his shirt and went back to kissing me.

The next morning

I slowly woke up and I wasn't in my room I was in Stefan's. No no no no no no. I looked over at him Crap! I slowly got up and got dressed then left the room, and went downstairs. "Leaving so soon?" I heard Damon asked i closed my eyes "Damon."'I whispered and turned around. When I looked at him he was a reck his eyes were all red I guess from crying. I started to tear up. "Damon I'm sorry I didn't mean to do it I was drunk upset then it happened. it didn't mean anything." I said he slowly walked up to me. "I understand your pain now, hearing you moan and yell his name, hearing you and him together laughing, him kissing every part of you. "I went upstairs to see of it was actually true. Then I saw you on top of him." He looked down "I wanted to kill my brother but I remembered I did the same thing for three months straight. I feel your pain." He said "Damon I meant what I said I'd never do that to you I didn't want to do that. I'm so sorry I did." I said he looked at me. He looked down "The thing is I still love you but I hate the fact you slept with him, I know that's selfish because I slept with Elena for 3 months." He said I looked at him "Damon this was a drunken mistake I don't want anything else to happen with Stefan, but you kept doing it." I said and tried to walk away. But he stopped me. He looks in my eyes we were both crying now. He hugged me because as much as we both loved each other this ruined both of us, and we didn't know if we could ever come back from this.

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