Feelings - Stefan and Damon

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    I was wondering what he was doing today so I could tell him, but how he's my best friend and I didn't want to lose him. I was sitting on my bed going through all the possibilities of what could happen. Tell Damon you were in love with him. Or make up another excuse on why I've been acting weird.. Before I knew it was time for school.  I had already gotten ready and was in the car "Hey Elena, Caroline, Bonnie." You smiled as i walked up to them opening my locker. "Hey (Y/N)." They smiled, "So (Y/N) you wouldn't believe what Elena did." Caroline said a little annoyed "What?" I asked, "She slept with Damon." Bonnie said my eyes winded "Oh, well how was it?" I asked, "We are having a girls night tonight so I'll tell you all about it." She smiled and looked past us and walked away. We all turned around and saw Damon standing there. "See you guys later." She said and went over to Damon "(Y/N) she's sired to him." Caroline said "What?" I asked, "She's been sired to him this whole time." Bonnie said I sighed "Does she know?" I asked, "No, Damon is taking advantage of her."  Caroline said, "Does he know?" I asked, "I mean he has to." She said, "Okay Caroline there's a possibility he doesn't okay." I said she nodded. "Anyway, I need to go to class," I said and closed my locker and headed to class.

  I couldn't concentrate today they were together and as much as I hated it and was jealous, but I couldn't help but to be happy for him because I am his best friend. I didn't know how to feel but I knew I couldn't betray him or Elena. I also knew he's been in love with her since he first meet her-. Cutting off my thoughts the bell rang I hurried out before Caroline, Bonnie or even Elena noticed. I need to find Stefan I needed to know how he was doing I mean his brother just got his ex-girlfriend which he was so in love with.  I knew he wasn't at school today so I went to the boarding school to find him. "Stefan?" I asked as walked in. "Hello (Y/L/N)." I heard Damon say. "Hey, do you know where Stefan is?" I asked he kinda looked sad when I asked him that. "I know Elena told you (Y/N) and you're here to check on Stefan and not congratulating me?" He asked jokingly "Congratulations." I said and walked away from him. I finally found Stefan in his room. "Hey Stef I heard what happened and I'm sorry." I said, "Don't, I know you are happy that Damon is happy." He said not facing me. "Yes, but I care for you to Stefan." I said he turned around "I know you love him (Y/N)." He said  "What?" I asked, "You're in love with Damon." He said I was shocked how did he know? "Stefan-." I said "(Y/N) don't act like you don't because I know you do, this does explain why you aren't downstairs with him." He said, "Stefan he can here us." I whispered he nodded "Okay let's go out." I said "What?" He asked, "Come on Stefan it will be fun." I said he nodded going downstairs you worried if Damon heard you or not. Luckily you saw him with Elena making out on  the couch. As much as it hurts you, you knew it hurt Stefan more. You looked at him and he was hurt. You dragged him out of the house and to the bar.

Hours later

Stefan and I were dancing we were in some bar half way out of town. I felt his hands on my waist pulling me closer. "You're so beautiful" he whispered in my ear from behind me. "Thanks, you're not so bad yourself." I said as I turned around and look into his eyes. He leaned closer and kissed me. I stood there shocked but kissed him back. "Maybe we should take this back to the house." I said between kisses "I agree." He said as he lead me out of the bar

We Stumbled into the boarding house all I could feel was his hands on my waist I was already tearing his clothes off when "(Y/N)?" Damon asked,  but I ignored him and kept kissing
Stefan but he was pushed away from me "(Y/N) go to my room Elena's there." He said to me. I rolled my eyes "Of course she is I don't want to be near your girlfriend Damon." I said as I rushed over to Stefan to see if he was okay but he pushed Damon "You can't have both Damon." Stefan said I was confused but it didn't matter. I put my hand on Stefans face and turned it so he was looking in my direction. "Hey don't look at him let's go I'm still in the mood if you are." I said and bit my lip innocently he smirked at me then I felt him rush both of us up stairs and lay me down on the bed.

The next morning

I woke up with a massive headache, I smiled as I remembered what had happened last night I sat up and put my hand on my head and saw Damon looking at me. "Damon." I said he didn't say anything i rolled my eyes and I sat up forgetting I was still naked and began to get dressed "How could you?" He asks "How could I what?" I asked "sleep with my brother." He said heartbroken "Why do you even care?" I asks he stayed silent. "Elena's sired to me:" he said "What?" I ask "Stefan and I are going to bourbon street." He said "New Orleans?" I ask he nodded "Look I'm not sorry for sleeping with Stefan, because you just sleep with Elena so." I said and started out of the room. When he grabbed my arm and pulled me closer to his chest. "I heard what Stefan said yesterday." He said "And what was that?" I asked annoyed. "That you have feelings for me." he said I stood there nervous. "It doesn't matter anymore Damon." I said "Yes it does." He said "Damon just drop it okay." I said "No, how can I?!" He ask me I looked at him annoyed and asked "why not?"  "Because I love you." He said "You're lying." I said "no y/n I'm not." He said I rolled my eyes and walked out if he did then why sleep with Elena.

  "Good morning you." I heard Stefan say I smiled "Good morning Stef." I smiled as I walked into the kitchen. "How did you sleep." He ask "Good actually, how about you?" I ask "Really good." He smiled "So about last night." I said "Yeah we both were really-." "Drunk." I finished he nodded I could tell he feel guilty.  "It's okay Stefan don't feel bad it was both of us." I said he nodded. " Well I need to get ready to go-:" "To Bourbon Street." I finished for him he nodded. "Well have a good time." I said he smiled "I'll try." He said and walked away. I sighed what have I gotten myself into.

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