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All that ran through my head is what he said "I still love you, but I'm in love with her." I couldn't say anything to him my heart was to broken to do anything I just walked out, yes I did yell at him I mean I just caught him fucking Elena so you'd think I'd be pretty upset. I thought at least he tried to stop me but he didn't, he let me go. My heart was too broken, more broken than it ever has been before. How could he say that to me after everything I did for him. Everything I sacrifice for him,  the consequences I took for him. he just suddenly loves a girl who didn't fucking care about him a fucking year ago. When he was at his worse broke hiding his pain, I was there, not Elena. She broken him more times then I can count, and it hurt me to watch him again and again get his heartbroken thinking he was never or even deserves to be loved. That it's always Stefan that it always has been and always will be. But I couldn't choose Stefan,  I mean I didn't do it out of pity for Damon but because I wanted Damon, when I was with him, I felt consumed, he made me question my life, made me excited to wake up in the morning, he always made me smile, my life had become fuller. He made me who I am today. Now him saying he doesn't love me anymore that he loves her he's in love with her makes me realize it never meant anything for him. That everything was a huge fucking lie, that he used me, to distract himself from Elena. He has her now, he doesn't want or need me, even though he claims he still "loves me" , " still cares about me",  "wants to be friends"  I know he doesn't I know he just wanted to be nice. I was now in the car driving home with tears in my eyes, I shouldn't be driving because I couldn't even see in front of me, but I guess that's what consequences were for right, because the next thing I knew I was hit by another car and driven off a bridge and into the water under me. I felt the impacted hit me hard like I was being thrown out of my own body. Though I didn't go in unconsciousness right away, I felt everything, my bones break, my head hit the steering wheel hard, I didn't feel the airbag protect me. I did however feel  the water building up in the car, but I was too out of it to pay attention to anything, I knew I could try to if I wanted to, but what was the point what happens if I do just go back to a broken heart, losing all my friends. It just wasn't worth it, but before I could debate anymore I felt my whole world turn black.

At the Salvatore mansion about a hour later

I was currently writing in my journal about Elena's feelings for Damon. Was this even worth it if she's in love with someone else. Then my phone rang it was Caroline I sighed and pick it up. "Hello?" I asked "Stefan." She said in tears. Then I began to worry "Caroline what's wrong?" I asked "it's y/n, she's... she's been in an accident." She said sobbing through the phone. "It's okay I'll be right there." I said and hanged up the phone and ran down the stairs and to my car ignoring Damon's questions my worries began to strike she was just here a hour ago yelling at Damon. Now she's been hurt and by the Caroline's reaction it's bad. I mean she was one of my best friends I couldn't lose her.

I finally made it to the hospital and rushed inside to see Caroline passing back and forth. "Caroline, what happened?" I asked "She was hit and driven off the bridge...." she started but stop because she couldn't contain her tears "Hey it will be okay." I said bringing her in hug. "No....Stefan she's in a coma she's hooked up to a breathing tube. So when you say she's going to be alright I'm sorry but I just don't believe you." She said stepping out of the hug  I looked at her and my heart broke. "What?" I asked she shook her head "come on it's easier if I show you." She said taking my hand and walking me down the hospital hall to y/ns room. When we did eventually made it to her room, the first thing I did was lock my eyes on her she was hooked up with breathing tube as Caroline said, she had a cast on her arm and leg. Her forehead was wrapped up.
I walked up to her and my eyes began to fill with tears "Stefan what are we going to do?" Caroline asked "I don't know but we should tell Damon, he deserves to know." I said "Seriously he broke her heart he's the reason why she's in her Stefan!" Caroline shouted "Caroline I know that but I can't just keep this secret from him." I said "Do you honestly think he'll even care he used her for Elena, Stefan he doesn't care about her and now she's on her death bed. So no I don't think Damon deserve to know." She said I looked down knowing she was right, Damon broke her heart now she's  here because of him.  

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24 ⏰

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