Avoiding Him 1

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I couldn't do it anymore I knew that if I avoided him it would probably go away, my feelings for Damon Salvatore would go away. But that didn't work I still  love him and it hurt me. I was currently in the mystic grill with Elena and Bonnie. We where just having another girls day without Caroline but she's with Tyler right about now. "Hey I invited Damon for lunch." Elena said my heart stopped "yeah that's fine." Bonnie said "Yeah of course." I smiled but I was freaking out inside.
Not long after Damon came into the grill. He smiled at us but I knew I had to leave I couldn't be near him he's with Elena yes he's my best friend but I'd rather have too lose him then have him know my secret "Hey bon bon, little witch." Damon smiled   "Damon." Bonnie said with a smile I looked down at my watch "Crap I totally forgot I have to be somewhere at 2." I said "Can't you just reschedule?" Damon asked he sounded hurt "Sorry D I can't um I'll see you guys later." I said they nodded I smiled got my things and left. I went to the boarding house where Stefan was, we need to talk about Silas. "Stef?" I asked he appeared behind a corner and smiled "Hey yn." He smiled "Are you busy?" I asked "No I'm not, why what's up?" He asked "Everything with Silas, I been thinking-." He stopped me "Yn is this about your feelings about my brother?" He asked I nodded "Yn its gong to be okay." He said I nodded again as he pulled me into a hug. "I just have to keep avoiding him, it's the best and it seems like he doesn't even care at all." I said a little hurt "Yn he's just too focused on him and Elena's relationship." He said I nodded "Which is why I know how stop Silas, I needed a distraction from this." I said "Okay what's your plan?" He asked "Qetsiyah wouldn't just kill Amara, Stefan why would she kill her, when she can make her the anchor to the other side." I said he looked at me shocked that I figured it all out "to make her suffer and Silas think she was dead all along." Stefan added "Now we have leverage." I said "Silas weakness." Stefan added i smirked "His weakness." I said, he smiled and hugged me "You're a genius yn!" He smiled I laughed as he pick me up and spinned me around.

"So this is where you run to every time you see me." I heard Damon say. Stefan set me down and we both looked at Damon "No Damon, that's not it." Stefan said "Isn't she runs away every time she's sees me, says she's too busy for our friendship but in reality she's just screwing you!" Damon said pissed "Damon we were just talking about Silas, I told Stefan I meet him here." I said "Okay then what about all those other times?" He asked  I sighed "Right." He said and walked away. "yn you are going to have to tell him." He said "No, I'd rather lose him then have him know Stefan." I said and left.


I was laying on my bed with hands in my hair frustrated how could I let this happened to me?!  "Yn?" I heard I sat up and saw Damon "Damon, what are you doing here?" I asked "I came to apologize." He said I sighed "Damon I'm kinda busy." I lied "Doing what?" He asked getting upset again  I sighed and got out of bed. "I don't think this is working anymore." I said he stood there "What?" He asked "Us, our friendship." I said "no you don't get to just avoid me and then break our friendship apart yn." He said "Damon-." I sighed "No what's so wrong that you can't tell me, what's so bad that you think you have to break us apart?" he asked "Nothing okay it's nothing." I said and turned around he turned me back around "Obviously it is something." He said still holding my arm I felt a shock of electricity go throw my arm. "Can we please just talk about this later, I have a test in the morning and I want to get good sleep." I said he looked up and nodded. "Fine whatever." He said and then he vanished. I sighed I went back to bed, knowing that he's not going to stop till he figures out what's wrong with me, but if he did ever find out I knew that would be the end of everything.

Next day

I decided to go to talk to yn. I needed a explanation on why she wanted to end our friendship after everything we've been through. "Yn?" I asked as I entered her room. There was no response I sighed and sat on her bed. I looked beside me and saw her diary wide open, when I looked at it I saw my name on the page, I was confused I pick it up and read it I know it was wrong but maybe it explains why she's acting like this.

October 23rd 2012

Dear diary, I don't know how much longer I could take this, the only solution I had was to avoid him. I mean it's not like he would notice,  I've been doing this for 3 months and he hasn't even notice I've been missing from the group when he's there.it's not like I can tell him, and if i did it would get awkward and i'd lose him. and that's just the thing , i'd rather lose him then have him know I'm completely In love with him, I'm in love with Damon Salvatore.

She's in love with me? I didn't know what to think or how to act she in love with me.

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