Break up (1)

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"Hey (y/n), I'll see you tomorrow." Matt said "see you tomorrow Matty." I said with a smile. I walked out of the bar, and got into my car and drove home. After the 10 min drive I finally got home to the Salvatore mansion.  I walked in and didn't see Damon my boyfriend setting on the couch drinking his bourbon like he usually is. i sighed he must be upstairs. I walked up stairs to our room and as I did I began to hear moaning. I rolled my eyes with a smile Stefan might have a girl over. Then I stopped Stefan isn't here. That would only mean no he wouldn't. I walked closer to our room. "Elena." Damon moaned I looked in the room to only see what terrified me the most. I leaned up against the wall with so many thoughts going threw my head. I ran downstairs I couldn't believe he would do this to me. Especially that tomorrow is our anniversary of the day we meet. I guess that didn't mean anything to him anymore. As I made of downstairs I ran into someone. "Y/n?" Stefan asked "What's wrong?" He asked wiping my tears away. "Shh, Damon and Elena are upstairs." I said trying not to cry even more. He looked at me confused then he heard it and his face frowned. He took my hand and lead me outside and into the car . "Where are we going?" I asked. "I'm taking you home." He said I nodded as he drove me home.

I finally got to y/n house, the whine car ride she was crying and I couldn't believe that Damon would do this to her.  "Thanks for the ride home Stef." She said "Yeah, of course." I said and turned off the car and got out with her. "What are you doing?" She asks "I'm not leaving you here by yourself tonight." I said she nodded as I lead her into the house and into her bed room.

I couldn't stop crying I love him so much and I still want to be with him, but he doesn't love me back, or he never did. I opened the door to my house and let Stefan in. "Hey yn come here." He said as he closed the door and hugged me. "He never loved me did he?" I asked "no hey yn that's not true, my brother is stupid idiot but I know he loves you he just has a fucked up way of showing it." He said "Stefan don't lie he's been in love with her forever." I said "yn I know he has, I just thought he got over it with you." He said I shock my head while crying
" I'd never treat him this shitty, he actually made me believe he was in love with me." I said "yn,-." "No Stefan I can't he cheated on me! With Elena my best fucking friend." I said I couldn't take it anymore I burst it out into tears and fell on the floor. "Hey, hey yn it will be okay, I promise you I won't let him near you." He says and pulled me close as I cried into his chest

Next morning

I woke up and I was in my room. I guess Stefan put me to bed last night. "Good morning sunshine." Stefan said "Morning." I smiled "Someone seems better." He said "Kinda but I think I should see your brother." I said he frowned "Stefan I need to confront him, I need to know if he ever loved me." I said "Okay, I'll come with you." He said I nodded "Okay I'll get ready." I said and walked to my closet to get dressed

at the Salvatore house

"Elena this, us needs to stop I love yn!" I shouted "Really, what has this been then Damon? For the last 3 months what were we?" She asked "I don't know, what do you want me to do?" I asked "Break up with yn I love you Damon and I know you love me." She said I sighed and hearing the front door open. "Must be Stefan." Elena said I nodded "Do you think they are still asleep?" Yn asked my heart dropped, she knows. 

I walked into the Salvatore mansion with Stefan right behind me. "Do you think they are still asleep?" I asked Stefan "Maybe or they are add it again." He sighed angrily "Stef I'm fine now, I think last night really helped. Thank you by the way." I smiled then as soon as I knew it he was being chocked by Damon. "You slept with yn!" He yelled. "Damon stop!" I shouted "Stefan did you?" He asked again "Damon nothing happened I would never do that to you please stop!" I said he looked at me and set Stefan down. I rushed over as he coughed trying to regain his breath. "Yeah nothings going on." He said and looked at me I stood up "How was it?" I asked "How was what?" He asked "Last night you and Elena, was it great to have her finally go down on you?" I asked he looked at me heartbroken and shocked "So you were there?" He asked "Answer my question, how was it?!" I shouted "yn look I'm sorry I love you you're the woman I want to be with." He said "Really that's not how it seemed last night." Elena said I looked at her she is my best friend and she screwed my well I guess now ex boyfriend "Yeah it did looked like you were really enjoying it." I said agreeing with her "Yn can we please talk outside?" he asked taking my hands I looked down fine. "No im not letting you alone with her." Stefan said as he step closer to Damon  "Stefan it's okay." I said and put my hand in his chest. He nodded and step aside. I smiled and walked out of the front door with Damon behind me.

We both walked out the door and I closed the door behind me. "How long?" Yn asked "yn." I sighed "how long!" She yelled "three months." I said She stepped back "what a waste of time the last three months were." She said "No, please yn I made a stupid mistake I was just telling Elena it needs to stop," I explained "Yeah three  months later!" She said and started to cry "yn." I mumbled "I loved you at your worse Damon, I was there when she broke your heart, when Katherine hurt you. I was there I choose you ever single damn time. but I guess that didn't matter did it?" She asked me now full on tears i looked down. "I'd never treat you this shitty, never." She said and walked away.

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