You die for him

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I stood there and watched as Klaus and Damon were argument probably about Elena. I sighed I knew what was going to happen Klaus and Damon both have anger issues, and Klaus will kill Damon, I knew he would. I couldn't let that happened I love him I'm in love with him but he loves Elena. I wanted him to be happy after every he's been through he deserves the world. I knew by the looks of it Klaus was seconds away from ripping Damon's heart out and there was only one thing I could do. I ran as fast as I could and pushed Damon out of the way before Klaus could rip his heart out. I then felt his hand in my chest then I felt his hand out of my chest with my heart in his hands. "NO!" I heard Damon yell, I felt myself fall down in his arms. "I love you." I mumbled so quietly then everything went black.

I was arguing with Klaus about Elena again, I knew I would end up dead but as long and she's safe that's all that matters. then I felt myself being pushed on the floor I get upset and looked up and saw yns heart being ripped out of her chest. My whole world stopped and as she fell but before she did she mumbled 'I love you.' I began to cry I looked up at Klaus he looked shocked at what he just done. "You killed her." I said and set yn down and ran up to him, and punched him "Damon I was trying kill you!" He yelled "I kept punching him Well now she's dead." I said "She's dead, she's dead." I said I start freaking out, the girl I love is dead and I couldn't save her, I couldn't do anything to get her back because she's gone. "Klaus What have you done?" I heard Elijah asked I kneeled back down and pick yn up "Damon." I looked up and saw Stefan. "No, Bonnie can bring her back. She's not dead Stefan." I said and walked out of the house and to my car.

I followed Damon out of the Mikaelson house. "Damon." I mumbled "It will be okay bonnie can bring her back Stefan." He said as he laid y/ns lifeless body in the back of his car. "Damon yn was human, she wasn't supernatural." I said he didn't say anything "Damon she's gone I'm sorry." I said he turned around and looked at me. "She told me she loved me Stefan." He said I sighed "The girl I love loved me back she died for me even though I was a vampire, she sacrificed her human life so I wouldn't die." He said "Damon I'm so sorry, let's just get her home and figure out a plan." I said he nodded

My heart broke into a millions peace's, I knew deep down there was nothing I could to get her back, she was gone forever she risk her human life for my mortal one. No one has ever done anything like for me, she even knew I was mortal, yes I would have died but I'd be on the other side her soul is simply gone without of each of ever getting back, and maybe if I wasn't stupid  enough to bring her with me she would still be alive, I'd still have her here, I would have a chance with her but now....there's nothing left. There nothing left in my life to live for, now that the only girl I ever loved is gone forever.

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