Shes gone (1)

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"You don't get it (y/n) I don't want to be your friend, I don't want to see you." He said "Damon." I sighed "No I can't okay I just can't." He said "If that's what you want." I said he nodded "Okay then." I said and left. "(y/n) I'm sorry about Damon he will cool off, he doesn't mean that." Stefan said "I know but it doesn't matter I am going to college across the country soon and we would have broken up so it's okay better to happen sooner than later." I said to him he looked down and nodded "We can still be friends." I said he nodded and hugged him "I leave tomorrow." I said pulling out of the hug. "That soon huh." He said "Yeah don't worry I'll see you soon." I smiled he nodded "See you soon." He said as I left

One year later

I couldn't believe it's been a whole year since everything in my life changed, new town, new school, and a new job. I was currently at that job now yes it's the same thing be a bartender. "Hey (y/l/n) your shift is done you can go home." My boss said I nodded and wrapped up what I was doing and started to walk home. While on the walk home I was thinking about Damon I smiled I am happy he's better I miss him but as he said he doesn't want to see me. So I never called, it was hard but I had to get over him. I sighed and continued to walk another mile. "What's a pretty thing like you doing out here by yourself?" I heard and turned around "Damon was right you are beautiful." The mystery guy said "who are you?" I asked he grinned the everything went black

Stefans pov

I look down at my phone as saw (y/n) calling me. "Hello?" I asked
"Stefan?" She asked I could hear her crying "What's wrong?" I asked "Kol  has me he said he's going to kill me if Damon doesn't bring something that belongs to him." She said "Of course." I said and rolled my eyes "We will be there soon." I said "No, I don't want you guys getting hurt trying to save me again." She said "Kol will kill you (y/n) we are coming." I said and hanged up.
"What's wrong Stef?" Damon asked "Kol has (y/n) if we don't give him the moonstone he will kill her." I said "yeah and if we do Klaus will kill Elena." He said "Kol has (y/n)." Elena asked "Yes." I said "What's does he want?" Elena asked "The moonstone." Damon said "Then we will give it him." Elena said "No end of story." Damon said and walked away

Your POV
"What if I made a deal with you?" I said "what kind of deal?" Kol asked "What else does Klaus need?" I asked "Vampire Werewolf and a witch." He said I nodded I couldn't believe I was about it to do this but here it goes. "Then I can be the  Vampire to break the curse."  I said "We already have one." He said "Who?" I asked "Caroline." He smirked "Kol please just use me." I said "What does she want?" Klaus asked "She wants to be the vampire to break the curse."kol said "Just spear Caroline I willing to die." I said he looked at me "Well if you're willing to then I don't see what the problem is." Klaus said I nodded he looked at kol and then Kols eyes grew dark and he bit into his wrist. "Here drink." He said I nodded and took his wrist and drank his blood. "Good." He said then everything went black.

"Damon look I know giving the moonstone will kill me but Kol has (y/n)." Elena said "I don't care." I said she sighed "Damon he let her go." Stefan said "Okay." I said "She's a vampire." Stefan said I turned around "What?" I asked and my heart stopped "She asked them to spear Caroline and have her instead." Stefan said "She dies ether way."  I said  "Well she gave up her own life because you didn't want to see her she didn't want you to save her because you didn't want to be friends you didn't want to look at her again." Stefan said "She wouldn't do that." I said "Yes she would Damon because she cares so much about how everyone feels she doesn't want them to have to see her or save her if they don't want to." He said "Damon, is this true?" Elena asked I nodded she rolled her eyes "Of course it is." She said and walked out of the room. "Damon you better fix this." Stefan said and left the room. I started to cry my emotions are back and it's all my fault she's going to die and it's my fault.

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