I love you, but you will always love her.

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I was nervous and scared, because what I was about to do could ruin everything between Elena, Damon, and me. I know that he loves her and she has feelings for him, but I wanted him to at least know before I left mystic falls for good. I sighed and finally knocked on the door. After a couple seconds he opened it "Yn what do I owe this pleasure?" He asked with a smirked "Can we talk?" I asked he nodded "Yeah of course." He said and let me in. I walked to the living room I was turned away from him. "Yn what's wrong you're starting to scare me." He said I turned around and no was facing him. "Promise me you will just listen, and don't interrupt me. don't move I just need you to listen then let me go okay?" I asked he looked at me strangely "Let you go?" He asked "Please Damon just promise me." I said he nodded "I promise." He said I nodded

Okay here goes nothing

"Damon this might shock you, but ever since we were human I've been in love." I said he looked at me angry because he knew I was hurt "Who hurt you, I'll kill him!" he said  angry but I knew he was joking, I smiled at how protective he was of me. "It's you." I smiled his anger faded
and turned into shocked but then he was sad. of course I knew why, he was in love with Elena, he wasn't ever going to feel the same. "Yn-." "No, I know you love Elena, I know you are happy." I smiled back "this is different your love for Elena is epic, you love her more then you ever loved Katherine." There was a brief pause "I am saying this because I wanted you to know, and I know I will never be yours that you will never love me like I love you, but my heart will always be yours even if yours is not mine, please remember this, even when you and Elena take the next step, when you live a long happy life together as vampires and maybe even humans, just remember that okay." I said he looked at me I knew he wanted to say something "I am so happy you finally got everything you ever wanted, someone who loves you the way you love them, to be loved by someone." I smiled with tears coming out of my eyes "I'm leaving mystic falls for good, im not coming back." I said his eyes winded "I need you to let me go, I need you to let me walk away and for you to be happy." I said he was about to say something but I cut him off. "Goodbye Damon." I said and walked past him. I felt him grab my arm. I looked up at him "Damon please let me go." I said he shock his head. "Don't leave me again." He said "Damon you promised." I said he still had his hand wrapped around my wrist. "Damon you need to let go now." I said "No." he said I sighed I didn't want to do this but he left me no choice. I turn to him and looked into his beautiful blue eyes. I leaned up and kissed him. I felt his hands come up to my waist. I then brought mine up to his head and sighed "Goodbye D." I said and snapped his neck. He fell down to the floor tears were now coming down my face. I leaned down and gave him a kiss on the head. The door began to open, and I used my vampire speed to get out of there before anyone noticed I was gone.

I still can't believe she was still in love with my brother. I opened the door to my house and saw Damon unconscious in the floor. "Damon!" I yelled and rushed to him. Damn it who did this to him, I sighed and leaned up and brought him to the couch. As much as I am upset with him I'm not going to leave him here. "Stefan we need to talk- oh my gosh what happened?" Caroline asked "I just found him here like this." I said "What, do you think someone stole something?" She asked "No, I have no idea." I said "let's wait for him to wake up, maybe he can tell us why." I said "Stefan I just came here to ask if you guys seen yn, she supposed to meet me at Tyler's for the miss mystic." She said "I haven't see yn all day, did you check her house?" I asked "Yeah that's the weird thing when I did all of her stuff was gone, there was a for sale sign up, is she moving in here?" She asked then it came to me she's actually finally did it. "No no no no." I said "What's wrong?" she's asked "yns gone she's not coming back." I said "What do you mean gone?" She asked the we heard Damon wake up. "He means that she's gone forever and she's not coming back." He said i looked at Damon "She told you she's loves you didn't she?" I asked he looked up at me. "You knew?!" He asked standing up "She told me not to tell you." I said "Stefan she's gone, she left me again, and you didn't think to tell me!" He yelled "Damon calm down." Caroline said "Stay out of this blondie." Damon said "Damon I'm sorry she told me not to tell you." I said "How long have you know?" He asked i sighed "How long Stefan!" He yelled "Since she told me back in 1862." I said he looked at me "So when I told you I loved her you knew?" He asked I nodded he stared in disbelief. Then he just walked away. "Stefan?" Caroline asked I didn't say anything "Stefan what's going to happen now?" Caroline asked I turned to her "I don't know." I sighed

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