Birthday Party

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I woke up as P!nks new song so what played on the radio. I smiled today's a good day I am 18 finally and I have an amazing boyfriend. "Happy birthday( Y/N)" Damon said as he walked into my room. "Good morning Damon," I said and rolled my eyes with a smile. "Elena, Caroline, and Bonnie are taking you out today." He said, "As much as I would love to do that I have plans with Liam." I said and got out of bed. "(Y/N) trust me you want to go with the girls, he canceled ." he smiled "Damon he wouldn't but he's almost here so I'll ask ." I smiled and went to my closet. "I'll see you tonight." He said I smiled "See you tonight Mr. Salvatore." I smiled as he left. There's something about Damon that I have noticed the past few weeks but I haven't put my finger on it yet. "Happy birthday babe." I heard Liam say. I smiled and turned around to see he had flowers in his hands "Thank you." I smiled and gave him a hug. "Thanks for the flowers." I smiled "Yeah of course." He smiled "So Damon told me that our plans are canceled is that true?" I asked while still in the hug. "No, they are just pushed back till this weekend." He said I smiled "Okay good as long as we still have time to ourselves." I smirked, "Oh of course we will (Y/N)." He said

Damon POV

As I left (Y/N) house I passed by Liam "Hey Damon." He said, "Hey Liam." I said as we passed ways. Even though I was in love with (Y/N) I couldn't hurt him as much as I wanted to because I knew he would hurt her, she means to much to me to lose her. "Damon, wheres (Y/N)?" Elena asked, "She's upstairs with Liam." I said she looked at me with a sigh "I know you love her." She said, "Elena don't."I said, "Damon I'm not judging you." She said, "Elena I don't want to talk about especially with you." I said, "What is that supposed to mean?" She asked, "Elena I am not talking about my feelings toward (Y/N) with you." I said, "Why not?" She asked, "Because I was in love with you, and I'm not talking to the girl who I used to be in love with about the girl I am in love with." I said and walked the other way.

Elena's POV

I watch as he walked away I sighed I knew he loved me and I never told him (Y/N) loved him as well. That's why she's with Liam. I knew she would hate me if I told but why would it matter she all thank me later. "Damon wait," I said and caught up to him. "What Elena?" He asked, "(Y/N) she going to hate me but, the reason why she is with Liam is that she's trying to get over you." I said "What?" He asked, "She loves you." I said he looked at me and just walked away. I was confused wouldn't he want to listen. "Hey, Elena." (Y/N) said "Hey, Happy Birthday." I smiled  and hugged her "So I have the whole day planned out." I smiled, (Y/N) nodded "Okay I will see you later babe." She said and kissed Liam then we left.

Later that day at the party

"Surprise!" Everyone yelled I smiled Elena, Bonnie and Caroline came and hugged me. "You guys did this?" I asked, "No it as all Damon." Elena said, "Where is he?" I asked, "I don't know." She said I nodded "I'll look for him." I said and decided to walk where his stash was. I sighed and saw him drinking his bottle of bourbon. "Damon?" I sighed as he turned around. "Hello (y/n)." He smiled I knew he was drunk I sighed "Damon what's wrong?" I asked I could tell he was drunk. "Damon." I said again "I love you (y/n)." He said, "I love you too." I said, "No, I am in love with you (y/n) and I know you are to Elena told me." He said I stood there shocked he's in love with me I looked at him "Damon." I sighed he turned around and kissed me. I was shocked but I kissed back. Then I pulled back. "Wait I can't." I said, "Why not?" He asked I sighed he was right I only was with Liam because I wanted Damon. "If Liam here then we can't I have to break up with him." I smiled "He's not." Damon sighed against my neck. I felt the shivers run down my body. I took his head and started to kiss him again. I felt him smile into the kiss. I pulled away. "I still have to break up with Liam." I said he nodded "I guess you're right." He said I nodded "Thank you but the way." I smiled "For what?" He asked "The party." I said "Anything for you (y/n)." He smiled I smiled back "I love you." I said, "I love you too." He said.

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