you're everything

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I was here again we were here again! Fighting over Elena, because I knew he was in love with her but he says he's not.

"HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO SAY IT YN IT DIDNT MEAN ANYTHING!" He shouted "You must think I'm stupid." I mumbled "I DONT LOVE ELENA I LOVE YOU!" He yelled "Do you because I remember you were just using me to get to her." I said he was stunned and didn't say anything.  I sighed "Damon it doesn't matter if it didn't mean anything okay, it still happened . I mean how would you feel if you caught Stefan and I making out?" I asked he scoffed "You wouldn't do that because you said.-" I cut him off "I said I'd never choose him over you Damon, I never said.....just answer my question if you saw Stefan making out with me what would you do?" I asked "Nothing, because that wouldn't happen." He said, "Really?" I asked he looked at me and that look was the same look I just gave him a couple hours ago. "Are you saying you would make out with my brother?" He asked "I don't know maybe since you decided to make out with my sister I think it would be fare." I said he looked upset but mostly heartbroken "That feeling you're feeling right now is what I've been feeling for the last couple hours, sucks doesn't it." I said to him and turned my back but then I turned around and said "You know I thought the same thing about you and Elena that would never happen guess I was wrong." I then began to walk away, but he vamp speed in-front of me "You weren't, I'm sorry but I wasn't lying it didn't mean anything to me." He said I sighed "I really want to believe you Damon, but there was a time you were in love with her, did that really ever change?" I asked with my voice breaking "Yes you are by far the best thing to happen to me in my  173   years on this earth, y/n yln you're the reason for who I am today not Elena, you're my entire life. I won't let this break us. I won't let this stop me from loving you, being with you, building a life with you, because I love you more then I thought I was capable of loving anyone after Katherine." He said I stared at him "Damon you kissed her back you didnt pull away I watch her kiss you and I saw with my own eyes that you kissed her back, you vampires sped her to a wall and started to kiss her neck then well you know what happened next since you were there, I know you love me but I really believe you wouldn't have done that if you still had feelings for her. I'm sorry Damon but we're over." I said and walked away
"You're my everything." he said I closed my eyes as a tear fell down my check "So were you." I said and left that house left him standing there. I broke down once I left that house it was like a huge chunk of my heart was left behind.

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