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Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star Chapter 936: Take shortcuts
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Li Xiaoru nodded and said, "Yes, I read the description of the competition published online by the organizing committee. If the applicant has won the top three awards in some major competitions, or was recommended by a famous teacher, or passed some activities, With a certain reputation, you can eliminate the screening stage. "

"What are some activities specifically?" Liu Yan asked.

"I don't understand. The online rules are not described in such a detailed way. It is estimated that the reference standards of the organizing committee vary from person to person, and the situation in each country is different. It is more flexible," Li Xiaoru saw when he saw this rule. It's not big, and it's not carefully considered, "I think this rule is left to participants from all countries to use it to go through the back door."

Liu Ye thinks the same way, "But since they have reserved a mouth for speculation, why don't we take advantage of it? Don't you want to take shortcuts?"

"Think, there are shortcuts. Don't go for nothing." Li Xiaoru is not a fake person. She has to prove her abuses with her strength. She just wants to get a place in the competition and continue to study for a master's degree. You should take advantage of the situation, "The problem is that I did n’t participate in any events. The most important one was my solo piano concert at the 80th anniversary celebration concert of the Capital Conservatory of Music last year. This experience is very useful in China, but foreign......"

Li Xiaoru remembered Mr. Martin ’s words again, "Julia didn't even recognize my transcript in the opening note, let alone Busoni's organizing committee, and who hasn't participated in several important music performances. My experience is really taken No shot. "

"The fact that other people participate in more shows does not mean that they are more famous than you."

Li Xiaoru froze.

Liu Ye grabbed the loopholes of the rule all at once. "The organizing committee did not say clearly what the activities are, which means that they are not necessarily very formal activities. In other words, they are more interested in the reputation of the contestants. Busoni It is indeed a world famous piano competition, but it also has competitors, Chopin competition, Liszt competition ... There are many piano competitions all over the world, and those diverse film festivals need support from well-known directors. As in the field, they need reputable competitors to increase their attention and consolidate their authority. "

"But I don't have any fame. At most, I'm a small domestic Internet celebrity," Li Xiaoru was not confident. "I think if you sign up for this competition, you can only be shortlisted by this method."

Liu Ye smiled. "Come on, I won't be ashamed." She lowered her head and opened YouTube on her mobile phone. She could finally browse this app unobstructed. Before going to bed last night, she studied the Han Dynasty. Princess ’s account, "Look, there are 18w + comments under our ensemble video, half of them are about your piano performance, and you have a high profile abroad."

"It's the foreign Internet," Li Xiaoru corrected Liu Ye's statement, and she also read these comments. "I don't think the so-called" fame "in the rules of the game refers to such fame. What they want is a prodigy prodigy, a young pianist Rising star. "

"How come the genius prodigies and the rising stars? They haven't been made by performances and media exposure, otherwise who knows them! You posted a performance video on YouTube to gather popularity, why not? In the Internet era, ordinary people also To be a great hero, as long as there is talent, anyone can become popular! "Liu Yingdu affirmed," Your video is not many, so the fame is still awaiting ignition. From now on, one or two videos will be released every day, before the end of the month , It will definitely attract the attention of the organizing committee. Anyway, you have to practice the piano every day and record it without any trouble. "

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