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Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star Chapter 1016: Think bad luck
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The latest website: It's Jason Harmer. The police moved very quickly. When Jason and the police station came, the police had searched Cohen's residence. Nothing related to the new song was found, but something more interesting was found-du. Product residue.

After Jason left He Lushen's interrogation room, he only learned of this explosive information. He was very surprised. The police observed his expression and compared the reaction just now.

They asked seriously if they knew Cohen had sucked du.

Frightened, he quickly denied, cleared the relationship, "No, no, I just had speculation in this area," Jason looked at him before he came, hesitated and said, "At the beginning of this year, Cohen found me, He was asked to raise his salary and increase it by ten percentage points. I didn't agree. At that time, we had a fierce quarrel. "

Jason exclaimed, "Why didn't you tell me!"

"I just take it as a very trivial thing and don't take it into account at all." As a boss, I will receive an application for an increase in salary from both ends in three days, but every boss wants to hire employees with the lowest salary, even if it The employees are Cohen who has been working for ten years.

In front of interests, never give in.

And by then he had noticed that Cohen's face didn't seem to be very good, with gray hair and blue eyes, heavy dark circles, and a lot of weight loss. He asked if he was sucking du, and Cohen certainly denied it. In the American music scene, it is commonplace to **** du 嗑 yao. The more famous it is, the more famous it is for inspiration. People who are not involved in it are strange. Jason and He are all heterogeneous. They hate du products. Don't look at Jason's tattoos. He once participated in the filming of public welfare videos in the United States, but he is also the ambassador for bans in New York. Some netizens used to tease him because he did n’t do it. du.

It is surprisingly consistent with Jason's three views on du products. He explicitly prohibits employees from sucking du, and all offenders are fired. Therefore, his company has always been very clean, and there have been almost no disputes involving crimes.

After that, Cohen raised two more raises. One time was shortly after returning to the United States from China with Jason. He asked why he would rather pay US $ 1 million for a Chinese Internet celebrity, but he was not willing to give him a ten-year-old employee more salary.

In fact, Cohen's salary is not only one of the highest in the company. Looking at all the record companies in the United States and independent music studios, the music producers who can earn him this level of salary are rare.

At that time, he was still immersed in the depression and irritability of the $ 7 million difference. Cohen was so blind, he didn't give him face, and ridiculed, "Because I and J believe that the girl can bring us at least 100 times the profit, you also Can you? You are too greedy! "

Unexpectedly, Cohen was like a lighted firecracker, and the Sistine yelled at him, "I worked for you for 10 years, produced 7 albums and 43 songs for Jason, and he got Grammy by 3 of them. It's all my credit that he can be famous and make money. Why can't I get the value I deserve? My salary has not risen for two years! "

Frightened by the look of madness, but noisy does not change the nature of his proficient in calculations, "The salary I pay you is absolutely reasonable. Ask yourself, how much progress have you made in the past two years? J ca n’t create anything new. Works, do you provide him with any help you can? You came from a composition school, why not write a decent piece of music yourself? Your so-called value is based on the cooperation between you and J. Without J, what are you No! You are not worth the money you asked for! If you are really dissatisfied with us, you can leave here and seek another job. "Very annoyed and ruthless, he told Cohen to go, but Cohen didn't. He touched his grey nose and stopped arguing.

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