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Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star Chapter 1021: Otherwise
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Latest website: "I guess you are referring to the Han Dynasty Princess and her friends," Katie brought the topic to the highlight of today's show.

Maria said, "Yes, a banquet, a disaster."

Katie regretted, "I'm sorry for what happened to them," she turned to the camera again. "Oh yes, I think there must be audiences who don't understand the beginning and end of Maria's birthday party. Let's play it back first."

A video of the party scene was played on the screen behind them.

A few days ago, this incident was so big. Of course, most viewers have already watched related videos. However, watching on TV is different from watching videos on mobile computers. Some netizens said that these videos are like movie plots. Among them, the more classic sections, after being edited by the directors of the program group, are almost the same as the short films. The handsome and beautiful women in the roles have gorgeous and luxurious scenes, that is, the quality is a bit poor, which is a perfect interpretation of the rich. The dog's blood life satisfied the audience's heart watching the gossip.

Only gossip is not boring!

Katie dubbed as she watched and said, "It's a mess, thankfully you didn't invite me to your party."

"This is the most memorable and worst party I've ever hosted," Maria was helpless and angry, "Richard destroyed my party with one hand. He is the most difficult boyfriend I have ever met, and I regret to meet him. ..... "

Maria told Katie about her and Richard's twists and turns of her emotional story, which is also equivalent to revealing her privacy to the whole world. This is very incredible. Her ladies of this level all pay great attention to privacy. They do n’t need to be like celebrities or Stars live by speculation. Even a celebrity, when participating in such an interview program, talks about the topic of emotions either by tasting or pretending that she will never be as open-minded as her.

On the contrary, excessive exposure of yourself is likely to bring disaster and danger to yourself and your family. But Maria still said without hesitation, saying the details of her relationship with Richard, "His personality is paranoid and it is difficult to communicate. We are together, what I usually do, and who I see when I go out, he has to control it, and I want to take photos for He proved that I had dinner with a male friend and he could make countless phone calls to ask. "

"Perhaps he cares too much about you," Katie said in a positive light.

Maria said, "I don't think so. He only cares about himself. He wants his girlfriend to obey him, similar to the old thinking of hundreds of years ago. Women are accessories."

Katie raised an eyebrow. "I hate men and women, and my audience knows I'm a feminist."

"I'm like you," Maria replied. "Obviously, I can't meet his requirements, and it's far from his ideal girlfriend. I have more and more conflicts with him, often arguing, and can turn the roof up. . "

"So you're tired of him and want to break up?"

Maria was silent, and she had complained to her friends before too-the quarrel made her feelings noisy, and she broke up logically, but the real reason ... Maria looked at Tom next to her, and Tom's brown eyes also Looking at her, there was a little doubt in his eyes. He lived a very confused life. He hasn't figured out what happened to Maria and Richard.

Maria looked at Katie again, and Katie gazed at her quietly, without urging her or poisoning her tongue, as if to encourage her and speak up bravely. Anyway, from the moment she made up her mind, she had abandoned her respect and identity. She should be fortunate that she has no family support and no money, but she still has a mouth.

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